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“Every woman has her limits”: Prince Harry blames the media for separations

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From: Susanne Kroeber


Prince Harry blames the press for the failure of his previous relationships, according to court documents, claiming the media preferred him when he was single.

London – Princess Diana’s (36, † 1997) sentence from the infamous BBC interview with Martin Bashir (60) in 1995 remains unforgettable. “There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded,” she said at the time about Camillas ( 74) Impact on her marriage to now King Charles (74). Diana’s youngest son apparently felt the same way Prince Harry (38) in all his previous relationships, except that his rival is the gossip press.

Bitter accusation from Prince Harry: ‘Tabbage media destroyed my relationships’

“Whenever I’ve been in a relationship, I’ve always tried to be the best possible partner, but every woman has her limitations,” he said Evening Standard from a testimony by Prince Harry that has now been released. The court documents come from the ongoing trial against the media group NGN (News Group Newspapers), which among other things The Sun and the tabloid, which was discontinued in 2011 News of the World belong.

“At no time did I have a girlfriend or a relationship with anyone without the tabloids getting involved and ultimately ruining it or trying to ruin it using every unlawful means at their disposal,” Prince Harry said in a statement. Harry spoke out loud about his ex-girlfriends Evening Standardthey were not only in a relationship with him, “but with the entire tabloids as a third party.”

Prince Harry’s ex-girlfriends

Chelsy Davy: On-Off relationship from 2004 to 2010

Caroline Flack: brief relationship 2009

Florence Brudenell-Bruce: Summer Love 2011

Cressida Bonas: 2012 to 2014

Prince Harry: ‘The tabloids wanted me to be single’

In the testimony, Prince Harry describes his feeling of powerlessness. “It felt like the tabloids thought I was theirs.” The press had hoped for a “public collapse” from him when he was in his early 20s. “I always felt like the tabloids wanted me to be single because then I was much more interesting to them and they could sell more newspapers,” Harry is quoted as saying in the court documents.

Prince Harry’s ex-girlfriends Chelsy Davy (left) and Cressida Bonas (right) got fed up with the media hype. (Photomontage) © 8IMAGO/Matrix/ZUMA Wire

The press then tried to create distrust – a mechanism that, according to Harry, would still be used with him despite his marriage to Meghan Markle (41). “This twisted goal is still being pursued to this day, even though I am now married.” NGN ordered a judge on April 25 to drop the case. Prince Harry not only accuses the press of having negatively influenced his relationships, he also blames his family. That is also said to have played a role in Meghan’s cancellation for the coronation, because “They made sure she didn’t come.” Sources used:

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