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EVERYTHING you need to know now – BILD makes YOU a BUSCHpert!

The trash event of the year is about to start!

Most of the candidates landed in Australia on Tuesday. Because on January 13th it’s finally time again: “I’m a star – get me out of here!” The fight for the jungle crown can begin.

And BILD prepares you – for the coming weeks full of disgust tests, bitchy Zoff and reality highlights.

Bitchy or now completely tame? The viewers will soon find out about the candidate Tessa Bergmeier experienced

Photo: RTL

The show concept is the same as every year: candidates can grab stars in jungle tests and earn their food, but winning the favor of the spectators remains the most important thing, as every year.

Because the viewers decide every day who is in the beloved jungle exams must, who flies and who may stay! You can win not only the coveted title of jungle king or queen, but also a prize money of 100,000 euros!

The candidates have just under a week left before things really get going. All campers are STILL bathing in luxury!

Where are the season 16 contestants currently? In the chic five-star temple of the “Palazzo Versace” hotel on the Gold Coast. But they will soon have to say goodbye to so much comfort. Camp beds and hammocks are already waiting in the jungle…

Here the candidates indulge in luxury again: the “Palazzo Versace” hotel in Australia

Photo: picture alliance / imageBROKER

This year’s jungle campers

Lucas Cordalis (55): Ballermann star and husband of Daniela Katzenberger (36)

Tessa Bergmeier (33): Ex-candidate for “Germany’s Next Top Model”

Cosimo Citiolo (40): Singer and reality TV starlet

Verena Kerth (41): Ex-girlfriend of soccer legend Oliver Kahn (53)

Martin Semmelrogge (67): Actor and cinema legend

Daddy’s Loveday (45): Model and catwalk trainer

Markus Moerl (63): Musicians

Cecilia Asoro (25): Reality TV starlets

Luigi “Gigi” Birofio (23): Reality TV starlets

Jolina Mennen (30): YouTuber

Claudia Effenberg (57): player wife of ex-national player Stefan Effenberg (54)

Jana Pallaske (43): Actress

All candidates of this year’s season at a glance! Above from left: Jolina Mennen, Cosimo Citiolo, Tessa Bergmeier, Jana URKRAFT Pallaske, Papis Loveday and Verena Kerth. Bottom from left: Lucas Cordalis, Markus Mörl, Cecilia Asoro, Claudia Effenberg, Martin Semmelrogge and Gigi Birofio

Photo: RTL

But just ONE exciting candidate has not redeemed his jungle ticket as planned, has not (yet) taken the booked outward flight: actor and ex-con Martin Semmelrogge (67).

When asked by BILD, the broadcaster RTL explained quite cryptically: “Martin Semmelrogge’s later arrival has production-related reasons.”

Are there perhaps problems with entry because of Semmelrogge’s numerous previous convictions and his prison sentence? The fact is: If the actor is absent, a replacement is already available…

Can he still do it? Semmelrogge has previously been sentenced to more than three years in prison for drug abuse, drink driving and hit and run

Photo: RTL

The replacement candidates

According to BILD information, there are two substitute candidates with a lot of potential in the starting box this year: ex-DSDS star and curve wonder Melody Haase (28) and ex-party girl Djamila Rowe (55). The two could heat up the rest of the bush dwellers and would be entertaining followers.

Exciting: Melody was recently spotted at the airport…

Plump curves and a good temperament: Melody could provide a lot of entertainment in the jungle camp if she moves up

Photo: melodyraabbit/Instagram

The bush companions

But not only the jungle candidates have already arrived Down Under, theirs too Companions and emotional supporters have already found their way to Australia. We introduce you to some of the Busch companions:

He is a real jungle camp repeat offender: Gigi companion Mike Heiter (30), who already supported ex Elena Miras in the 2021 jungle camp.

Mike (left) was already there as a companion in 2021, supporting his then girlfriend Elena Miras

Photo: IMAGO/Gartner

The Munich It-Lady Verena Kerth (41) got on the plane together with her lover, Sarah-Connor-Ex Marc Terenzi (44).

With her jack of hearts, Verena has a real jungle king at her side, who won the crown with his own “Campregels” in 2017.

They are inseparable: Verena has Marc by her side

Photo: Theo Klein

And TV starlet Cecilia Asoro (26) goes completely beyond the scope with her choice of companion and has chosen manager Filiz Rose (34) as emotional support, her children (1 and 5), her husband Almondy (37) and her mother Andrea (56) takes along.

But that’s not all! Cecilia’s manager also has a famous sister who is also traveling Down Under: Yeliz Koc (29) has also packed her suitcase and is coming with daughter Snow (1) to keep the rest of the entourage company.

Yeliz has a child with Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht and became known, among other things, through the dome format “The Bachelor”.

Photo: Getty Images

The new moderator duo!

Jungle camp veteran Sonja Zietlow (54) has a new man and moderator by her side this year: Busch newcomer Jan Köppen (39).

He’s doing it for the first time with Sonja, who has been leading the reality event of the year year after year since 2004. Köppen replaces Daniel Hartwich (44).

Jan is now moderating the jungle camp together with Sonja after Daniel Hartwig retired from the jungle

Photo: RTL / Ruprecht Stampl

Incidentally, in an RTL interview, Sonja already gave her colleague some ultimate jungle camp survival tips. In addition to earplugs and a sleep mask, she recommends one thing in particular for Jan: “A daylight alarm clock would be good so that you can get out of the box better, because I don’t want you to be overslept.”

Another insider tip from the jungle legend to the jungle newcomer: “Mosquito stuff, there’s one called ‘Mozzie fuck off’. That describes the Australians well because they really have a name for their mosquito spray.”

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