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Excluded. Beijing Express: Tarik and Ahmed confide in their adventure in Route Bis

It is by participating in the 15th season of Beijing Express: in the land of the golden eagle that Tariq And Ahmad were revealed to the public. The season was broadcast in 2022 on M6. The two joker cousins ​​were far in the adventure, since they were eliminated in the semi-final. This Thursday, February 16, they are back in Alternative route. For this new competition, they traveled the same route as the 16 new candidates for the 2023 edition, but on a parallel route. Throughout the race, they must complete missions. But the production gave them a hard time with the surprise cards. For Tele-Leisurethey returned to this second participation in the flagship program of M6.

“We still have it a little in the throat”

Tele-Leisure : Why did you want to leave for this new adventure Alternative route ?

Ahmad : For the trip first. It was a second chance to see the world again. And then, to redo Beijing Express !

Tariq : We had a revenge to take compared to our first experience where we were eliminated in the semi-finals. We still have it a little in the throat Besides.

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How were you contacted to participate in this new race?

Tariq : We received a call from the producer, Thierry William. We expected this phone call from him because we know with Ahmed that we touched a lot of people. We’ve always been smiling and that’s what sets us apart from others. It was our strength, clearly. We said yes directly, without hesitation.

This is your second race. Was it easier to make than the first, given your experience in editing In the land of the golden eagle ?

Ahmad : They are two completely different adventures, because there, there is no stress of the race, there are no competitors. We knew we were going to do the whole course. To find a home, it’s the same as the real one Beijing Express. Afterwards, if we win missions, we can sleep at the hotel with the money we earn. We can eat too.

Tariq : Each mission won is 50 euros. And as much to tell you that the missions were not easy at all.

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We suffered a lot in Beijing Express: Alternate Route

The novelty for you was these surprise cards that can either facilitate your missions or, on the contrary, complicate them. How did you manage this new aspect of the competition?

Ahmad : We didn’t have the stress of the race, but we had the stress of surprise cards. Every time there was a mission, we crossed our fingers that it would go smoothly. We tried to manage as best we could.

Tariq : From the first to the last day, we had only difficulties. We suffered a lotbut viewers will have a blast.

How did you manage after Beijing Express ?

Ahmad : You have to stay humble.

Tariq : That’s it. We must not forget that people followed us, they were fully behind us. You always have to have your head on your shoulders, not to take the big head.

We are very close, always there for each other

Outside of the cameras, what is your relationship like?

Ahmad : We are less together at the moment because we are working. But we are very close. On weekends, we see each other as a family.

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Tariq : If I’m in trouble, I call him and vice versa. We are always there for each other.

What do you remember from this second experience?

Ahmad : The countries crossed. We had the chance to visit three incredible countries. I only remember the positive. I loved this adventure from start to finish.

Tariq : It will remain etched for life.

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