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Excluded. Stéphane Plaza devastated by the state of a house in Mission Works (VIDEO)

Stéphane Plaza and Laurent Jacquet take on two new assignments in Mission Works broadcast this Monday, February 20 on M6. Together, they will discover the house of Sarah and Renaud, whose work, which started five years ago, is still not finished…

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This Monday, February 20, M6 offers a new number of Work assignment co-hosted by Laurent Jacquet, a DIY ace and YouTuber with 300,000 subscribers, as well as Stéphane Plaza, the PAF’s most famous real estate agent. Together, they will once again come to the aid of two families who have undertaken major renovations without ever having completed them. Thus, viewers will be able to discover the story of the Besconds, parents of three children aged 18, 14 and 10, who live in Episy in Seine-et-Marne, and the Haonds, whose house is in Saint-Genis-Les -Ollieres in the Rhône, also at the head of a tribe of three toddlers aged 5, 3 and 1 year old.

Work assignments : the Haond house in a sorry state

As you can see in the excerpt that Tele-Leisure reveals you in preview at the top of the article, Laurent Jacquet and Stéphane Plaza take stock of the situation at the Haonds. Hole in the ceiling of the kitchen, problem of insulation and tiling in the bathroom… Accompanied by Sarah, the mother of the family, the duo of animators discover with horror the house whose work is still far from being finished. Laurent Jacquet’s observation is straightforward: “It’s a bit, excuse me to tell you, but neither done nor to be done!”. True to form, Stéphane Plaza tries to lighten the mood, but the real estate agent does not hide his concern about the state of the house: “It’s better to do nothing than do that. It’s even dangerous, isn’t it? Electricity is a disaster!”. The toilets are not to be outdone with lighting that hits the door as soon as it opens and poorly fixed toilets.

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Work assignments : an overwhelmed family

Sarah and Renaud had bought their house in the Lyon suburbs five years ago. If they planned to buy new at the start, the couple let themselves be seduced by a residence which required many renovations. When she realizes that her husband does not have the skills to undertake such a project, the young woman decides to take matters into her own hands. Despite her best efforts, Sarah struggles to make this house habitable. She does not hide her bitterness vis-à-vis her half to whom she reproaches her lack of good will. “Laurent and Stéphane criticize my cooking, but don’t be too harsh because I did it all by myself. We didn’t have anything to cook with, we didn’t even have hotplates so if I had waited , I would eat off the floor again.” So will the experts succeed in their mission as they have done previously? The answer this Monday, February 20 on M6!

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