Adrián Basilio/Agencia Reforma

mondays, 10 april 2023 | 06:41

Mexico City.- No matter how old you are, you always have to exercise… that’s it, wake up with the years you’ve accumulated.

The exercise brings vitality and emotional health, sensations that the people of the third age want to keep as a place, and the head of Medicine of Sport of the Directorate General of University Sport of the UNAM, Cristina Rodríguez, explains the reasons.

“In general, it is mentioned that the so-called third age is from 60 years old, when there are more physiological, cognitive and structural changes, which make people need to take certain care and follow certain recommendations to carry out exercises of activation and cognitive development “, needs the specialist.

“In all age groups physical activity is required, but in this range (third age) it is indispensable and is equally for men and women. Although there are certain characteristics that are identified in each gender, such as osteoporosis, and we know that women suffer on a larger scale and the exercise is going to provide a protection factor or at least so that it doesn’t develop so quickly, and for it requires physical activity of impact or strength”, explains Rodríguez.

It’s better to activate

With the passage of time, the organism deteriorates -indeed, it is said that it begins to grow old at birth-, and precisely to have a good quality of life, physical activity is very important.

Thanks to exercise, strength and vitality are obtained so that the functions of the organism continue in the best possible way.

However, physical activity must be done in accordance with the age range and, above all, to counteract the wear and tear that occurs when older adults form part of this age range.

“At this age, many people think that swimming is an excellent recommendation for physical activation, and it is, but not doing it in an isolated way, because we are always floating and that does not help, since this flotation prevents the calcium from being deposited in them Huesos; it’s decir, it’s good to swim, but on the ground that’s it, combined with this exercise you should do strength exercises like walking, jogging, routines with extra weight, so that the water is stimulated and the calcium is deposited at least don’t lose yourself so much”, clarifies the interviewee.

according to condition

The exercise in older adults should be prescribed according to the physical condition of each individual and their medical history, in terms of their bone density, resistance to exertion and chronic-degenerative illnesses that they are prone to. However, reiterates Rodríguez, the work of strength is paramount to maintain the organism in the best conditions.

“If the person’s body allows you to do strength exercises with gym equipment, but you always have to do strength work”, he asserts.

“The rod is one of the joints that always presents a lot of wear at the cartilage level and this favors arthrosis and other conditions, and the only one that is scientifically proven to work is having strength and to have it you need weight exercises.

“Walking a lot is not enough, you have to work with extra weight to strengthen the muscles and the wheels, the quads, the hamstring muscles because strength is what will give quality of life to every age group”, points out the specialist.

a routine

Older adults should be very careful when carrying out their physical activity because the wear of the joints affects their coordination, and also because it starts to present the loss of vision and hearing.

A key point on the sports accessories: you need good and comfortable shoes, sports clothes that do not accumulate moisture in the clothes and are heavy.

Hay to warm up. Move all the joints of the body with rotations and short stretches of the muscles. It is said that the body temperature should increase a degree as a symptom that there is a good heating and this is detected with sweat or when the face is sleepy.

– Walk for 25-30 minutes and then finish doing stretches, strength and flexibility exercises. If you have problems with the wheels, you can replace the seats with a legging on the floor, stretch the legs and work on the calves. If you go to a gym, you can do leg presses or resort to leagues.

– The recommended bike is fixed, to avoid accidents, and preferably the one that has a backrest.

– Perform cooling/stretching.

Recommended ones

The ideal exercises for people of the third age:

– Walk

– dance

– Fixed bike

– Hard work with extra weight, garters and gaiters

take en account

– In this age group, much depression is manifested; So, physical activity helps to combat it and is much better if done with other individuals.

– That’s why people of the third age are recommended to attend classes of whatever it is, because it’s very difficult for them to do it, firstly because they’re not used to it and then because there’s a depressive crisis.

– Doing exercise in a group develops a sense of belonging and the competitive spirit.

– In addition, coexistence is encouraged, so, after the class, people go to have coffee or get together for other social activities, and that helps a lot.


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