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"Eyes in the void" : the testimony of a firefighter who intervened after the car accident of Pierre Palmade

One of the first firefighters present at the scene of Pierre Palmade’s accident testified on TF1 about his condition just after the fact.

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The days pass and the light is more and more on the events which occurred on the evening of February 10 on a road in Seine-et-Marne when the comedian Pierre Palmade had a road accident after his car swerved to the left for reasons still unknown and in which he and the people in the vehicle in front of him, a man, a six-year-old child and a woman, seven months pregnant, were injured. The mother finally lost her baby as a result of the shock so that an investigation was opened for manslaughter. Very quickly, the results of the artist’s toxicological analyzes were made public, revealing that he was under the influence of narcotics – cocaine and substitution drugs – when he was driving. In his vehicle, two young people were present but escaped.

Affected teeth, arms and legs

The actor, whose days are no longer in danger at the present time, however, remains hospitalized, “hit in the teeth, arms, legs”, after his vital prognosis had been committed, causing great concern among those close to him. According to witnesses, the accident was particularly violent. “Pierre Palmade’s car ended up three-quarters in the field (…) I prevented Mr. Palmade from being taken out of his car. You never know if he had internal bleeding… He had eyes open. He didn’t speak. I shook him so he wouldn’t fall asleep. I kept him awake as long as possible (…) I thought that Pierre Palmade was never going to get out of it“, told a man who witnessed the shock and helped Pierre Palmade in the columns of the Parisian this Saturday.

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“Completely Haggard”

On the evening of February 12, TF1 offered another exclusive testimony from a front-line witness: that of theone of the first firefighters to respond to the scene. “He looks at us and that’s when he tells us he’s Pierre Palmade. Completely haggard, his eyes are empty. He’s talking to us and he’s conscious. At no time is he unconscious. Anyway when we get in. He tries to open the door, he tries to escape from that place and suddenly I have to wait for the extrication vehicle”, tells the man whose face we do not see. In addition, the home of Pierre Palmade in Seine-et-Marne was searched and the two individuals who were in the comedian’s car are always wanted.

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