Relatives of general detained for alleged conspiracy denounce serious state of health

CARACAS.- General Héctor Hernández Da Costa, detained since 2018 and accused of participating in an attack against Nicolás Maduro, has been held incommunicado for several days, according to his family.

Loredana Hernández Barboza, daughter of the soldier, said through her social networks that after the transfer of political prisoners to El Rodeo I prison, earlier this week, they don’t know anything about their father. General Hernández Da Costa remained detained at the headquarters of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (DGCIM).

“Five days without having communication or official information from my father, General Héctor Hernández Da Costa. I demand that they give him at least his medications, after recently undergoing surgery and having problems with his heart and diabetes. His health is at risk” , the officer’s daughter warned on Friday, February 23.

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The detained officer recently underwent surgery and is a heart patient, diabetic and hypertensive. The family denounced, on February 20, his “arbitrary and unexpected” transfer to the El Rodeo I prison.

General Héctor Hernández Da Costa served as head of the National Anti-Drug Command of the National Guard (GN) until August 13, 2018, when he was arrested.

Information about political prisoners

For its part, the ONG Justice and Forgiveness demanded that Maduro’s authorities inform the relatives “of the conditions of transfer and the state of health of the political prisoners sent to other detention centers as appropriate in accordance with the laws and in respect for the human rights of these people.” .

According to the Penal Forum, until February 22, 264 were registered political prisoners In Venezuela. Of these, 147 are military and 117 are civilians.


Source: Loredana Hernández / NGO Justice and Forgiveness

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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