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Fani Carbajo updates her son’s health status and threatens the Penal Code

Some days ago, Fani Carbajo surprised on his Instagram account the report an episode that almost ended in tragedy. Her son, who was bathing in the community pool with his cousins ​​and some friends, suffered a “attempted strangulation” by a man as a result of a previous discussion with another woman.

“He grabbed him by the neck, tried to strangle him by drowning him, making him a choke. My son gave his friend underwater because he felt he was drowning and he asked to be released”, recounted the ex-participant of the island of temptations describing the alleged assailant as a man in his 40s. The Civil Guard and the ambulance went to the scene to attend to Emilio.


Already at that time, Carbajo announced that he would take legal action against the two people who had been involved in the matter. However, he did not expect the other two people to do the same for his son. Although the other version of the story has not come to light, Fani has revealed that “The lady who started insulting my son went to the Civil Guard to denounce him, alleging that he was the one who started it all and bringing an injury report.”

Outraged, Fani has denied in her Instagram stories that this was the case and has stressed that at no time does this justify what “her husband, partner or friend” did later. “I just want to say that the law is for something, that false complaints are not going to help you at all. I have proof, you don’t”, Christofer Guzmán’s ex-partner has settled in a video with a clear recipient in which he includes a capture of the Penal Code.

“I’m not afraid”


After clarifying that her son is “better, within the scare”, Estefanía has promised her followers that she will continue to provide information on the subject through her social networks. “I need justice to be done. I have no fear. If we children are touched by an unpresentable we bring out the lioness that we carry inside. They accuse a child who has never had a problem with anyone, who has never called my attention complaining about him. (…) Please, you are adults and responsible. If the fear has entered you now and you invent a justification, I’m sorry, but nobody messes with my family”, he wrote later, settling the issue for the moment.

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