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Far from everything: what happened to Deborah de Corral, the top and most famous model of the ’90s

Perhaps for the generation of young centennials the name Deborah Corral It doesn’t mean much, but it was one of the icons of the catwalks, especially in the mid-’90s.

The famous started, like many of her colleagues, in the world of fashion, but then expanded her horizons. Deborah Corral He came to be in charge of one of the most popular television programs.

This is what the ex-model looks like today, at 47 years old.

From one moment to another Deborah Corral he seemed to have disappeared from the media, and many of his fans lost track of him a bit.

Deborah was the cover of multiple magazines in the ’90s.

The former host of “El Rayo” decided to venture into the complex culinary art, So much so that not only did she have a few cycles where she could be seen getting to work in the kitchen, but today she has her own dream restaurant.

The chef had her own program on the “El Gourmet” channel.

The former model settled in Miami back in 2015, and there she founded “Tigre”, a gastronomic venue located in the “Little River” neighborhood, where you can taste not only classic Argentine dishes such as Milanese and dulce de leche flan, but also a wide variety of drinks and cosmopolitan dishes with vegetables, meat and seafood.

The famous opened her restaurant in mid-2020.

The place is practically on Biscayne Boulevard, which places it in a very crowded and busy area of ​​the American city, where the former singer laid the foundations not only for her work but also for what is now her family, together with the man who conquered it almost seven years ago.

The place is called “Tigre” in honor of the city where she was born in Argentina.

Who’d say

After having intense romances with two of the iconic members of the legendary rock band Soda Stereo, Charly Alberti and Gustavo Cerati, Deborah Corral He bet on love with someone from the musical field, but who works more under the scenes.

Deborah with her husband, Gustavo Menéndez.

The former top model has been in a relationship with producer Gustavo Menéndez since 2015, and in 2018 they went down the aisle together after an amazingly wonderful coexistence, where they both realized they were meant for each other.

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