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Fede Rebecchi’s new life: from VIP Big Brother to running a law firm

Fede Rebecchi's new life: from VIP Big Brother to running a law firm

The name of Fede Rebecchi He came to the fore thanks to his appearance on television. He introduced himself as an Italian DJ with a great talent for studying and flirting. One of his immediate dreams was to fall in love. This is how he achieved it in an edition of Women and men and vice versawhere he was a tronista for six months and starred in a love story with Yasmina Quejigo. The strength of his name in the corridors of Mediaset gave him the opportunity to participate in the third edition of VIP Big Brotherwhat a win Beln Esteban. He also had a relationship with Ylenia Padilla.

Despite the fame garnered, The transalpine took a radical turn in his life and moved away from everything that surrounded television to embark on a new professional path.. His law degree and his master’s degree in economic negotiations opened his first business: and Law firm. The success has made his signature present in Madrid, Barcelona and Mallorca.

I dedicate most of my time to counseling young people.

His passion for this profession is instilled in the youngest people who are hungry to start their own business. It provides them with all kinds of tools and advice to follow in their footsteps. I dedicate most of my time to advising young entrepreneurs on launching their business, as well as raising people’s awareness of their rights.assure Outdoor.

As for her private life, Rebecchi does not offer many clues, since her Instagram profile is not public. Still, some of her followers point out that she could have a romantic relationship with a young American given to the images he publishes with her. Furthermore, He shows on his networks that he is a great lover of football and Bara.

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