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Fer, star in Pasapalabra, to the great surprise of Cifras y Letras

Fer, star in Pasapalabra, to the great surprise of Cifras y Letras

Ciphers and letters He returned to television this week. A more than expected return, and one that has also occurred in the house in which he was born, in TVE. A big bet The 2which seeks to recover a format that already saw the light of day in 1991, and that after leaving the small screen in 2013, returns with its batteries recharged, and ready to win the affection of the audience.

A contest that this Wednesday, in its third program of the new season, has received Fer, who has been the big star of Pasapalabra, and who has landed on La 2 as one of the big surprises. And he arrives having participated in a total of 84 installments in the Antena 3 program, and having starred in a memorable rivalry with Moiss Guard.


  • In the contest, which is broadcast on several regional channels, one of those situations happened that could star in New Year’s Eve sketches.

The Galician ended up losing in Pasapalabra back in September, and it was now, four months later, that he decided to try his luck in another television contest, this time being in Cifras y Letras, where has become the big surprise after beating the current champion, Mario, by 150 to 73 points, leading him to participate again this Thursday.

About to take the pot on his first day

Fer He managed to win 900 euros in the final test, and had to get a total of 12 words right to win the 6,000 euro jackpot.. The young man managed to hit a total of nine of them, leaving him only three away from winning the pot, which he will try to achieve again today.

A contest that, in addition, is on the rise in audience data. On the first day, in its premiere, it reached 3% share and 417,000 viewers, then on Tuesday it rose 0.1%, reaching 431,000 viewers, and finally this Wednesday it reached 3.4% and 477,000 viewers.

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