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Fernando Hierro will be a grandfather for the first time, at 55 years old

Fernando Hierro will be a grandfather for the first time, at 55 years old

The Ruiz family is in luck. Álvaro, the eldest son of Fernando Hierro, and his girlfriend Mariana de Daniel will become parents for the first time in just a few weeks. This is how it is published this Monday exclusively Semana magazine. A hitherto unknown pregnancy that excites the entire family; And it comes just a few months after the legendary former Real Madrid player, 55, welcomed Nicols Valentn, the baby he has in common with his wife, the Croatian Fani Stipkovic.

While Hierro and Stipkovic chose to live the nine months of their child’s pregnancy with total normality through Instagram, making their followers participate in the sweet moment, their son Álvaro Ruiz and Mariana de Daniel have opted for the greatest discretion. A few weeks after the baby arrives into the world, neither the soccer player’s son nor his partner have made any reference to this pregnancy.


  • The former soccer player and his new partner have said yes, I want in Guadalajara when they are a few weeks away from becoming parents of their first child together.

  • The Croatian journalist met the former player in Madrid and only has good words for him, although she assures that he must improve playing Parches.

The El Chiringuito collaborator usually maintains his most private life outside of social networks. In his profile, he only has a single photograph where the future mother of his son appears and it dates from November 21, 2023. A snapshot where Álvaro Ruiz’s friends show their affection towards the young woman. Semana magazine includes among its pages that Only the circle closest to the couple knows the sex of the baby that is on the way.

His loving past

Despite being very suspicious about his personal relationships, the truth is that It is not the first time that a courtship of Fernando Hierro’s son jumps into the pink chronicle. Álvaro Ruiz’s name appeared for the first time in gossip magazines when his romance came to light in 2014 with Desir Cordero, the model who was chosen as Miss Spain that year.

It was in 2015 when the young He fell in love with Fiama Rodríguez, former contestant on Women and Men and Vice Versa and The Island of Temptations, with whom he was in a stable relationship for several years. Her last media engagement occurred in 2022 with the influencer Ana Moya.

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