You are currently viewing Final Cut Pro and iMovie are getting major updates

Apple has released a series of updates for its apps.

Final Cut Pro and iMovie are receiving updates. The biggest innovation is the ability to process videos recorded on the iPhone 15 Pro. But there are also other changes.

Here are the changelogs:

Final Cut Pro for iPad 1.2 includes the following improvements:

• Benefit from the flexibility and dynamic range of log-encoded videos captured on iPhone 15 Pro.
• Improve the look of footage shot with popular cameras from Fujifilm, DJI and ARRI with new log profiles.
• Choose from 25 new soundtracks that dynamically adjust to the length of your project.
• Enable or disable clips to quickly compare your edits with and without clips.
• Easily select or reposition keyframes with your finger or Apple Pencil.
• Quickly resize clips in the browser by pinching.

New keyboard shortcuts:

• Enable or disable clips using the V keyboard shortcut.
• Import media from Photos using the Command-I keyboard shortcut. Import media from Files using the keyboard shortcut Shift-Command-I.
• Export your project using the Command-E keyboard shortcut.
• Unrank clips in the browser using the U keyboard shortcut.

Final Cut Pro for iPad

Final Cut Pro 10.6.9 includes the following improvements and bug fixes:

• Benefit from the flexibility and dynamic range of log-encoded videos captured on iPhone 15 Pro.
• Improve the look of footage shot with popular cameras from Fujifilm, DJI and ARRI with new log profiles.
• Fixed an issue that could cause Motion templates to become unresponsive to opacity settings.

Final Cut Pro

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• Benefit from the flexibility and dynamic range of log-encoded videos captured on iPhone 15 Pro.
• Includes stability and performance improvements.


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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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