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Final ‘Grand Prix’ 2023: what time is it, how to watch on TVE, tests and participating towns

The redebut of Grand Prize It is one of the great successes of this summer, and this is demonstrated by the notable audience records achieved in all its installments. After 18 years of waiting, the popular format continues to maintain the same essence with which it won the affection of the public despite the fact that the famous heifer does not appear on the screen due to the Animal Welfare Law.

However, the contest presented by Ramón García and co-presented by Michelle Calvó and Cristinini faces its final stretch with the long-awaited semifinals, which will decide the identity of the municipality that will seek to succeed Carrión de los Condes on the throne (Palencia), a town that won the latest edition of Grand Prizeback in 2005.

What are the participating towns?

In the semifinals held in August, it was decided which towns would advance to the grand final. In the first semifinal, luck decided in favor of Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) to the detriment of Tineo (Asturias). In the second duel held last Tuesday, Alfacar (Granada) beat Yepesdespite the fact that the people of Toledo were one of the great favorites to win this edition of the contest thanks to the 29 points achieved in their first duel, the highest figure.

What time is the grand final of the Grand Prix?

The grand final will be held this Monday, September 4 at 10:35 p.m., as TVE collects in its programming. It can also be followed in streaming through the platform RTVE Play.

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