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Food alert when detecting plastic fragments in batches of frozen croquettes: brands involved

Food alert when detecting plastic fragments in batches of frozen croquettes: brands involved

The Basque Department of Health has issued a health alert after receiving a communication from the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN), which notifies the possible presence of plastic fragments in several batches of frozen mushroom croquettes from brands buy itBonpreu and Highness. This alert affects various products distributed throughout Spain, putting the health of consumers at risk.

Health authorities recommend that consumers have these products in their homes. that they do not consume them and that they return them to the establishments where they acquired them for correct disposal.. In addition, they report that the manufacturing company has already begun withdrawing the products from the market to avoid any type of risk to the health of citizens.

The affected products and their batches are the Mushroom croquettes Of the brand good price, with lots 40111 (best before date December 2025), 31122 (best before date October 2025) and 40124 (best before date December 2025). The You eat croquettes made of mushroom mushrooms Of the brand Your Highness, with lot 31108 (best before date April 2025). And finally, the Eat mushroom croquettes Of the brand buy itwith lots 30610 (best before date November 2024) and 31122 (best before date April 2025).

The recommendations

The AESAN has notified this information to the competent authorities of the different communities autonomously through the Coordinated System of Rapid Information Exchange to guarantee the withdrawal of affected products from points of sale. In addition, Consumers are advised to be aware of this alert. and follow the instructions of the health authorities.

These types of alerts are issued with the objective of protect the health of consumers and ensure that products on the market meet food safety standards. Authorities will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary.

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