Former President Bill Clinton defends Biden after erratic debate performance

WASHINGTON – The ex-president Bill Clinton (1993-2001) defended the current president and candidate for reelection for the Democratic PartyJoe Biden, after criticism received for his erratic performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump.

Thursday night’s showdown with Trump was meant to be an opportunity for Biden, 81, to dispel doubts about his advanced age and fitness for office, and to publicly portray his rival as an “existential threat” to the American democracy, the campaign argument used by the Democrats.

But his speech was halting. He stumbled several times and seemed to lose his train of thought. Unrecognizable, Biden stammered, left unfinished sentences and stared blankly throughout the painful 90 minutes of the televised duel with his Republican predecessor, while being watched by millions of viewers.

“I leave the outcome of the debate to the experts, but I have to say that facts and history matter. Joe Biden has given us three years of solid leadership, stabilizing us in the face of the pandemic, creating a record number of jobs, with achievements to solve the climate crisis and putting in place a system to reduce inflation and all while getting us out of the quagmire that Donald Trump left us in. That’s what really matters in November,” according to Clinton’s opinion that she wrote. in your account at X.

Clinton is 77 years old, while Biden is already 81 and will turn 82 on November 20.

Vice President Kamala Harris also defended Biden’s performance in the CNN face-to-face debate. She acknowledged that the president had a “slow start” but “a powerful finish.”

Biden y Obama/AP

Democrats Joe Biden and Barack Obama.


Obama calls for votes for Biden

Former President Barack Obama has also endorsed his former vice president and called for a vote for Biden after the disastrous debate. Although “bad nights of debate also happen,” there is “a lot at stake” in the November elections.

“This election still consists of deciding between someone who has fought all his life for ordinary citizens and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth, who distinguishes good from evil (…) and someone who knowingly lies for his own benefit,” he said in a message posted on the social network X and in which he avoids naming Trump.

Obama has been one of the main drivers of Biden’s presidency, who was his vice president during his administration.

“Sometimes there are bad debate nights. Trust me, I know, but this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary people their entire life and someone who only cares about themselves,” he posted on X .

Hillary Clinton also defended Biden after the debate because the election “is still very simple,” so she stressed that she will vote for Biden in November.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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