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Former S Club 7 member Hannah Spearritt found herself homeless at the end of the year

A member of the hit group of the early 2000s, the British mother reveals that she was forced to take refuge in a friend’s office as the holidays approached.

Twenty years after experiencing international success with the British group S Club 7, Hannah Spearritt recounts her difficulties. The former singer reveals in the columns of Sun that she is struggling to find stable accommodation. Homeless shortly before the Christmas holidays, she took refuge in a friend’s office with her partner and their two daughters, aged four and three.

“People think we all have to be millionaires,” she says of the seven members of the former band, which formed in 1998 and broke up in 2003. “Unfortunately, that’s not the case. .”

“We had two days to leave the place”

Hannah Spearritt and her family have experienced four temporary accommodations in the past six months. Things got worse when the owner of the one they were in in November, in south-west London, decided to sell:

“He needed the money and the property sold very quickly. Suddenly we had two days to leave. What got us into trouble was that we didn’t have time to find other accommodation.

The couple were due to open a café last summer but saw the delays pile up, pushing back the launch of their business: “We used the unoccupied premises of the café to store our belongings, but we had nowhere to go. A friend let us occupy his office. We used it as a living room. We worked there and the children played.”

Still looking for accommodation

Always according to The Sun, they were able to occupy the house of another friend who was absent during the Christmas celebrations. But they are looking for permanent housing.

The family’s worries were precipitated by an “illness” of the former singer: “I barely got out of bed for three months,” she says. But they plan to open their cafe (in London’s Twickenham district) in the summer: “We hope to be able to move into our home by then.”

At the height of S Club 7’s notoriety, Hannah Spearritt earned 150,000 pounds (about 170,000 euros). But “we were getting a very poor salary compared to the money we were bringing in”, she explains – S Club 7 would have generated 50 million pounds, according to the tabloid.

Towards a reunion tour

The seven members are supposed to reunite in the fall for a new series of concerts. Hannah Spearritt is the only one who has not yet signed: “I will soon make my decision. I just need to be sure that everything will be fine in terms of health. It is not worth paying a pittance and to run out.”

Created by Simon Fuller, the manager of the Spice Girls, S Club 7 enjoyed international success in the early 2000s with hits like Bring It All Back, S Club Party Where Don’t Stop Movin’. They were also the heroes of their own TV series, which aired for four seasons. Hannah Spearritt continued in comedy after the group broke up and appeared in a few series.

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