Founder of group The Beach Boys takes legal guardianship due to dementia

LOS ANGELES.- Brian Wilson, legendary founder of the American group The Beach Boyswas placed under protection legal by a Los Angeles judge, due to his problems of dementia and after the recent death of his wife.

His legal guardianship was approved on May 9 in the Los Angeles County Superior Court (west) by Judge Gus May, who ruled that Wilson suffers from a significant neurocognitive disorder and is incapable of taking care of himself, according to several specialized media.

Wilson, 81, considered by many to be a musical genius, has required daily help since his diagnosis, which was revealed last year.

Shortly after his wife Melinda’s death in January, Wilson’s family asked a court to approve his business manager LeeAnn Hard, as well as his publicist, Jean Sievers, to manage his personal and medical affairs.

In a statement posted on their website this year, Wilson’s family had indicated that a legal guardianship could ensure that Brian and the children living at home would be cared for and remain in the home where they are cared for.

Wilson has seven children, who must be consulted about medical decisions.

Its resources are kept in a financial fund, the magazine reported. Rolling Stone.

An imposing figure on the world music scene, Wilson is almost single-handedly responsible for the California sound pioneered by The Beach Boys in the 1960s.

Fundacin The Beach Boys

Their unmistakable blend of soft pop, set against the backdrop of complex vocal harmonies and poetic lyrics, elevated the band beyond their surfer image.

The five-member band, formed in 1961 by Brian Wilson with his brothers Dennis and Carl, combined their innovative vocalization with the rhythms of rock and roll, rhythm and blues and also used unconventional recording techniques to create a sound recognizable to the world. instant.

But Brian Wilson’s talent was sometimes overshadowed by the mental health problems that plagued him throughout his adult life.

In 1964 he suffered a nervous breakdown while on tour, which forced him to focus on recording, and that ended up generating a period of extreme creativity that resulted in the iconic Pet Sounds (1966), among other albums, an album with a sophisticated sound considered today by world critics among the most influential in contemporary music.

Wilson’s experiments with drugs were accompanied by periods of depression and auditory hallucinations, as well as a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder, according to a biography.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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