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Francisco Rivera, about his breakup with his brothers, Kiko and Julin: We have different upbringings

Francisco Rivera, about his breakup with his brothers, Kiko and Julin: We have different upbringings

Francisco Rivera has become one of the protagonists thanks to his interview on the program TelecincoFrom Friday, where he has talked about everything and everyone, first launching a warning about who his family is for him: My family is my wife, my children and my friends.

A notice with which he makes clear his relationship with his brothers, especially with Kiko Rivera and Julin Contreras JrWell, I know he still has a relationship with Cayetano. Now, regarding the first, the extorero points out that I don’t talk to Julin and Kiko. One gets tired of trying and trying. We have different educations… Let each one look for a life. Time puts one’s home in its place, but I can’t tell you that I won’t speak to them again..

His relationship with Kiko Rivera is currently broken, especially due to the poisoned inheritance program., which united Paquirri’s three children against Isabel Pantoja, although Francisco’s words about the tonadillera did not please Kiko. It has been 37 years since my father died and this lady has not had a glimmer of kindness…Everything bad that happens to her is deserved, he said then.

Some words that Kiko responded to in an interview given to Lecturas: My relationship with him was zero. Break what is already broken! I don’t give a damn about my brother. I don’t want to know anything about him. Francisco has come to eat twice at Christmas and he gave me a keychain. For him I am not his brother. He thinks his education is better and despises mine. He hasn’t come to see me when he was bad.

On the other hand, of Julin Contreras claims that he went on television to skin him after asking him for money and that he could not give it to him. He claims that at that time, he disappeared.

Now, who he does continue to have a relationship with is Cayetano: Sometimes I get along better, other times worse, but we move forward.. We want cousins ​​to see each other and we have more things in common. We are not Can and Abel, but neither are the Marx Brothers.

Isabel Pantoja does not have to be named

But Fran Rivera has not only spoken about his brothers, but he has also done so about Isabel Pantojaalthough without actually naming it: I think it brings bad luck, there is no need to name itand pointing out that I think he is not a good person, no matter how many times I think about it.

And Fran also wanted to remember the day they arrested her: Do you know what day it was on the day they arrested this woman? On my mother’s birthday. Talking about karma… Scary. I wouldn’t like to be in his shoes the day he dies and my father is found.. She is not the widow of Spain.

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