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Francky Vincent confides without taboo on his couple with his companion Aziza, 22 years his junior

Francky Vincent, recently named Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters, returned to his love affair with his companion Aziza, 22 years his junior, in the columns of the Parisian.

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Francky Vincent was named Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters in a decree of October 17, 2022 published at the end of November on the website of the Ministry of Culture. The singer received at 66 one of the distinctions of the four ministerial orders, a huge honor. Shortly after this nomination, Francky Vincent received a lot of criticism from people who did not consider him legitimate for such a decoration. However, the 48-year-old singer was unfazed and answered them on the set of Do not touch My TV. This Monday, December 26, the Guadeloupean singer and his wife Aziza answered questions from the Parisian about their atypical couple and her career.

It wasn’t love at first sight

In the columns of Parisianlead singer of Passion fruit confided in his new life in his small 20th century castle and his romantic relationship with his wife Aziza, 22 years his junior. The couple told our colleagues how they met five years ago. “During an event that I organized in Paris and in which he sang. It wasn’t love at first sight, I was in the middle of a divorce. And then you will laugh, but I did not know him“, she confided. For his part, Francky Vincent explained that the age difference was a real obstacle to their idyll, “The age difference was initially prohibitive.

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The seduction lasted six months!

Moreover, they took more than six months to get together, preferring to take the time to get to know each other well. “It’s okay, you don’t look your age. But the seduction lasted six months!”, said the Franco-Moroccan businesswoman. “The first evening, he made me a two-ball flirting tactic, taking a picture of us and wanting to send it to me. I gave him my number professionally. I was warned: ‘Be careful, he is a seducer.’ No risk, it’s not style.” However, the singer did not let go and Aziza ended up agreeing to take the time to meet him. “He invited me several times to lunch, I said no, he really insisted… I said to myself ‘He doesn’t let go, take the time to meet him’ And, I realized that, behind the character , Franck Joseph Vincent is a good, complete person” she finally concluded. The couple finally married in August 2018 and continue to live a beautiful love story.

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