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François Hollande cash, he reveals the amount of his retirement

Guest on the morning show of Apolline de Malherbe on BFMTV, François Hollande revealed, in all honesty, the amount he receives each month for his retirement.

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In recent weeks, the pension reform has given a hard time to politicians who are struggling to get along. Not to mention the French who are not all in agreement with the bill. As a result, there are hundreds of thousands marching through the streets to make themselves heard. But not everyone is directly affected by this news. This is the case of Christine Bravo who did not hesitate to reveal the comfortable amount of her retirement in an interview granted on C8. On his side, Francois Hollande is also doing very well. The former head of state recently married Julie Gayet, the actress he has been dating for many years. Since then, he has taken advantage of this new life and no longer hides to show signs of affection towards his wife.

François Hollande receives a pension as former President of the Republic

This Monday, February 6, Francois Hollande was Apolline de Malherbe’s guest on her morning show broadcast on BFMTV. Asked about the pension reform when the government will try this week to pass the bill, he was quick to reveal the amount he receives every month. “I have 4,000 euros in retirement as a former President of the Republic”, he says. And he adds that he could earn a lot more thanks to his old functions except that he does not “does not sit on the Constitutional Council“: “I therefore deprived myself, with good reason, of this remuneration.“.

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A parliamentary retirement is added to that of ex-head of state

However, even if this allowance allows him to live very well, the latter is much higher among our neighbors. “For the former Presidents of the Republic, 4,000 euros is much less than what happens abroad“, he specifies. It is not the only retirement that François Hollande touches. Indeed, on the antenna, he explains to perceive “a parliamentary retreat“. Which means that I have income of 11,000 to 12,000 euros, details the former President of the Republic. A large sum of which he does not hide:Transparency is the condition that makes it possible to understand what is happening in our country.

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