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Frank Cuesta ends up in the hospital after “the worst possible bite”

Frank Cuesta ends up in the hospital after "the worst possible bite"

Frank Cuesta ended up in the hospital this Wednesday after being attacked by a snake. The herpetologist used his different profiles on social networks to show the wound that the animal had inflicted on the thumb of his left hand, with the blood still flowing and with a very enlightening message: “In the hospital with the worst possible bite”.

The popular presenter, who gained enormous fame thanks to Frank from the jungle, He has been away from the spotlight for some time and putting all his efforts into the animal sanctuary he has created in Thailand. Its objective is to give tranquility and care to the inhabitants of the sanctuary, rescue species and denounce the crimes committed by some beings against animals. In addition, from there he often shares videos on social networks surrounded by different types of creatures, although he is usually in the news due to attacks by one of them or because of his opinions on matters of nature and politics.

Frank has not offered more details about his health or how he is after this episode with the reptileThat is why many of his followers continue to ask on the networks if he can release a statement or appear with one of his curious comments to reassure the masses. And it is that the tweet in which he shows the wound has been seen by almost 5 million people in just a few hours.

The most serious bite he has suffered

However, everything indicates that “the worst possible bite” suffered this Wednesday it will not have the same consequences as the one he received in the year 2000 and which made him spend four days in a coma. “The colleague who came with me, who was when we first opened the association, died,” Frank assured in an interview with Jordi Wild.

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