Frank Cuesta reveals his vote for the 9J European elections

Just over a week for Spanish citizens to go to the polls to exercise their right to vote in the elections. European elections next July 9. A total of 34 candidates will seek to occupy one of the 61 seats that our country has inside the European Parliament.

Despite the great variety, the surveys put the best-known groups in our country at the top, such as PP, PSOE, VOX, Sumar or Unidas Podemosamong others, although there are other independent candidates with less social weight that seek to win at least one seat. One of those formations is Frente Obrero, whose list is headed by Roberto Vaquero Arribas. This formation will have support on the next 9J of Frank Cuestaas he has revealed on his social networks.

I am clear about it… every time, we have the opportunity to lend our vote to a political force that resembles our ideas and values.has written accompanied by a video of the leader of the formation asking the Spaniards to vote. Today I address you. This June 9, take a step forward. #VoteFrenteObrero.

What is the Workers’ Front and what is its ideology?

Workers Frontestablished on February 14, 2018, is a movement patriot and revolutionary, who fights for and for the workers, for and for Spain, according to its official website. We are not reformists, our objective is the transformation of society, not to patch what we have. Spain needs drastic changes, and we are going to promote them. This formation, which debuted at the polls in the general elections of 23 J and obtained 46,530 votes, focuses its campaign on fight against Islamization due to the alleged dangers of mass immigration in Spain.

Spain is not a Muslim country and it should not be. It is necessary to take measures against the Islamization of society and the continuous and massive arrival of immigrants with which it is related. The group calls for the defense of borders, the defense of our culture, aid to the self-employed and farmers and the unity of Spain against the independence processes.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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