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Franz Ferdinand raffled, but the public lacked it in Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023

After a long time without playing in Monterrey, Franz Ferdinand returned as one of the main acts on the first day of Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023, and boy did they not disappoint at all, because they broke it very hard at the festival. Although yes, we must say that the public did not live up to what we expected for this bandota.

From the beginning, the Scottish band put out their biggest hits and they gave us no respite. They still didn’t greet the public and they were already playing the anthems of a generation, like “The Dark of the Matinée” and “No You Girls”which warmed the mood for a night full of classics and pure good vibes.

Alex Kapranos and Franz Ferdinand were one of the strong acts on the first day of Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023/Photo: Stephania Carmona

Franz Ferdinand arrived with all the attitude at Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023

“How are you, Pa’l Norte?”yelled Alex Kapranos, to make the audience at the festival go wild. And wow, Franz Ferdinand never slowed down, well “Walk Away” made everyone sing remembering that person who hurt them so much.

Con “Evil Eye” y “Don’t You Want To”, Franz Ferdinand made the vast majority of the public of Tecate Pa’l Norte jumpwhich by the way, must be congratulated because the true fans of the band gave their all, although there were many who were already making room to see Billie Eilish and they just didn’t connect.

Franz Ferdinand threw a very raffled setlist in Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023/Photo: Stephania Carmona

“Jacqueline” was one of the most chanted songs during the Franz Ferdinand show and it sounded very hard during its presentation. The same thing happened with “Love Illumination” and “Always Ascending”.which despite being the most recent songs of the band, managed to make some jump and chant these true rolls.

But without any doubt, the moment everyone was waiting for was “Take Me Out”, quite a hymn that even those who are not fans of Franz Ferdinand knew, sang as if there was no tomorrow. And we understand them, because it is inevitable not to sing and jump to the rhythm of this song that marked more than one generation.

Franz Ferdinand tried to connect with the public, but not everyone understood him very well. / Photo: Stephania Carmon

Despite the fact that not all the public connected, Franz Ferdinand raffled off in Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023

Later on, we were able to hear a couple more songs, such as “Michael” and “Ulysses”, which once again raised our spirits and we even saw that many who were already sitting on the grass got up to check what was happening on the Tecate stage. Light, despite the fact that Franz Ferdinand brought a big party.

“I want to hear them scream, I want to hear the noise of Monterrey”said Alex Kapranos before playing “This Fire” and connecting with the audience, who applauded and ran out of strength. With this song ended the set of Franz Ferdinand in Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023 and boy did they leave everyone on fire to close the first day of the festival.

Alex Kapranos and Franz Ferdinand closed with everything their presentation at Tecate Pa’l Norte 2023/Photo: Stephania Carmona

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