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French 7J elections roundup: all the news from July 8, 2024

French 7J elections roundup: all the news from July 8, 2024

The Spanish left celebrates the election results in France

The Spanish Government and its partners celebrated the results of the French legislative elections on Monday, which consolidates the left ahead of the centrists and the extreme right led by Marine Le Pen, while the conservative Popular Party trusts that the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, can form an executive “in which the extremes are excluded.”

This is how they analysed the results of yesterday’s legislative elections in France, where the New Popular Front (NFP) of socialists, communists, ecologists and the more radical La France Insoumise (LFI) came out on top. first with 182 seats; The Macronist bloc lost its majority, with 168 seats, and the far-right National Rally (RN), the big favourite in the polls, was left with 143 seats.

The Spanish government spokesperson, the socialist Pilar Alegría, highlighted the advance of the left and praised the high citizen participation because, she said, the French have continued ‘the path that Spain opened’ in the elections of last July 23 ‘stopping the extreme right’.

Alegría said that in the second round of the French legislative elections, the unity of the progressive parties was rewarded with a ‘huge mobilisation’ that ‘has shown that cordons sanitaires work’.

For her part, the second vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar (coalition partner of the socialists in the Executive of Pedro Sánchez), Yolanda Díaz, considered that Macron would ‘It’s time to give the floor’ the left-wing Popular Front for a government in favour of ‘social majorities’, and welcomed the fact that French citizens are joining Spain in stopping the far right.

Other parties such as Izquierda Unida (currently in Sumar) drew unity as a ‘fundamental lesson’, and Podemos opted for the leader of France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, to be elected as prime minister since any other government ‘will give wings’ to Marine Le Pen’s reactionary party.

The conservative Popular Party (PP), the main opposition party, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, had a different view. He is confident that Macron can form a government “in which extremes are excluded, both on one side and the other” because they do not solve Europe’s problems, while he regretted the result of Les Républicains, his counterparts in France, who came fourth. “The party will have to be rebuilt so that, just like in Germany, Spain and Poland, the Popular Party is the leading political force,” he added.

For its part, the far-right party Vox, through its president Santiago Abascal, congratulated Le Pen on her ““spectacular electoral progress”despite having come third in this Sunday’s legislative elections.

Abascal considered that Le Pen has managed to ‘portray together the Islamist and anti-Semitic ultra-left, the globalist center and the progressive right, who have chosen Islamist and communist suicide for France’.

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