The Truckers leader insisted that the ruling party candidate should be the one to ensure that the opposition does not return to the Casa Rosada

By iProfessional

02/17/2023 – 2:39 p.m.

the syndicalist Pablo Moyanoone of the members of the Frente de Todos (FdT) table that met to define the steps to follow from here to presidential electionspoke about a possible inmate in the official bloc and went up to the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massato the fight for the candidacy.

“It was necessary to stop the media fights and get all sectors together at a table. The labor movement, social movementsthe governors and mayors, and the president of the PJ”, he affirmed regarding the political table of the FdT held on Thursday night.

Regarding the attendance of the Economy Minister at the rally, he maintained that it was clear that he was going to participate, despite the fact that the media had “installed that there was no consensus” from all sectors.

“The discussion was good. It was declared through the document that unity must be strengthenedreject the ban that the vice president is suffering today and present an alternative plan, a new project for the country, for the new period that has to be whether or not Peronism is in power,” he said.

Pablo Moyano postulates Sergio Massa: in what circumstances

“I said it several times, bringing up the subject of Cristina Kirchner [para el oficialismo proscripta debido a su condena –no firme aún- en la causa Vialidad], the natural candidates of Peronism are three or four. Sergio [Massa]of course, if it manages to accommodate the economy, it will be one of the main“, said the leader of Truckers in an interview with Radio 10.

After that, the discussion generated around the PASO was left out in the event that the President seeks his own re-election. He affirmed that “the law must be respected” and that the candidate for the presidential elections, ultimately, will be chosen by the affiliates themselves: “If it is Alberto [Fernández]Scioli, Capitanich, Massa or Wado [De Pedro] That’s what we define.”

For Pablo Moyano, Sergio Massa could be the presidential candidate of the FdT if

For Pablo Moyano, Sergio Massa can be the presidential candidate of the FdT if he “accommodates the economy”

There are colleagues who have the possibility of competing against hate“, he maintained and pointed to the sectors that “shoot against the Government” such as the Supreme Court, the media and businessmen, who “highlight prices”, among others.

When referring to the economic crisis in the country, Moyano affirmed that work “is there”, justified that the members of the union that he commands corroborate it on the routes and pointed out the real problem for Argentina today, inflation. “I believe that adjusting the economy, lowering inflation… There is a laburo, the highways are full of trucks, everyone is working … I believe that the Frente de Todos has a good chance of winning,” he said.

“The important thing was to sit at a table, each one, with respect, maintain unity and bank the Government until the last day and as Sergio said [Massa], continue working hard to lower inflation. We know that there is a business attack with speculation, which enchants the merchandise and remarks the prices. It is the commitment of the Ministry of Economy “, he highlighted regarding yesterday’s meeting.


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