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Friend very concerned about Naddel: Bohlen-Ex has been gone for four months

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Nadja Abd el Farrag (58, “Naddel”) has been missing for four months. In search of Dieter Bohlen’s (69) ex-partner, her friends turn to the public.

Hamburg – “Nadja I, no not only me, we want YOU to get in touch,” writes Nadja Abd el Farrag’s friend Daniel for a joint photo on Instagram. He had received “no sign of life for four months” from Naddel.

Naddel can “no longer distinguish friend from foe”

This is not a reproach, emphasizes the man who says he has been in charge of Nadja Abd el Farrag’s Instagram profile since the beginning of 2022: “We are not angry with you and do not judge you, we just want you to contact us.” He assured: “We can handle everything else. We’re here for you. We’ll make sure you get what you deserve.”

The family is very worried about Naddel: where is she? © via

Nadja Abd el Farrag has been “completely screwed and ripped off by her so-called advisors” in recent years, Daniel explains. Among other things, fake profiles were created and Naddel was stalked. The matter is “meanwhile worked up” and a matter for the court. Due to the negative experiences, Nadja Abd el Farrag “can no longer distinguish between friend and foe”. But Daniel doesn’t want to go into more detail about her situation. That was “too private”.

Nadja Abd el Farrag dreamed of a fresh start

With the words “Please get in touch with us! We miss you,” he concludes his post. In addition to Daniel, Jalo, Andreas, Mareike, Kerstin, Micha, Jason and Kev also signed it.

According to “”, Nadja Abd el Farrag’s acquaintances assume that she “could have gone into hiding with her mother or sister in Hamburg”. But nobody there could be reached for comment. Even at Naddel’s last residential address, no one knew about her whereabouts. Your cell phone is also switched off.

After separating from pop titan Dieter Bohlen, with whom she was in a relationship from 1989 to 2001, Nadja Abd el Farrag repeatedly made headlines, including with excess alcohol. In an interview with the “Bild” newspaper last year, Naddel said he was finally ready for a new start. As a professional decorator, she wanted to “amaze everyone.”

Naddel shared a holiday message with her fans. However, she seems to have mixed up Christmas with New Year’s. This caused her great astonishment among her fans.Sources used: Instagram,

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