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From Everybody’s Darling to strikebreaker: Is Drew Barrymore shooting herself out?

All of Hollywood is on strike. All of Hollywood? No, a small crew around Drew Barrymore is defying the movement – and receiving criticism.

Ever since Drew Barrymore, 48, appeared on “ET” as a little girl over 40 years ago, the actress has been considered everyone’s darling. Quite astonishing: Even persistent drug problems – Barrymore is said to have been addicted to cocaine at the age of twelve – could not scratch this status. In the meantime, however, increasingly visible cracks are forming in her reputation as an undisputed popular figure. Of all things, her self-proclaimed need to be there for her fans is to blame.

Because while, with a few exceptions, all of Hollywood is showing solidarity with the actors and screenwriters who have been on double strike for months, Barrymore is returning with her talk format. As a strikebreaker, she would recklessly ram a knife into the movement’s back with this decision, according to the accusation. Protests against the recordings of the fourth season of The Drew Barrymore Show, which began last Monday (September 11th), are already in full swing in front of the studio.

What seems to make many of the strikers particularly angry is the star’s supposed hypocrisy. In a detailed Instagram statement, Barrymore recalls how she canceled her moderation job at this year’s MTV Movie & TV Awards in May in solidarity with the striking screenwriters. However, according to Barrymore, the situation is apparently different with her show: “It may have my name on it, but it is so much bigger than just me.” As a result, she is 100 percent behind the decision to continue without her authors for the time being.

The accusation: Barrymore is acting hypocritically

In addition, in accordance with the current strike rules, the show does not want to discuss (and thus promote) any cinema or TV productions that are affected by the strike, their statement goes on to say. For affected authors and actors who speak out in the comments section of the post, this decision at least shows double standards – sometimes the accusation of indifference is even made.

“Convincing yourself that you are doing the right thing is not the same as doing the right thing,” it says. Another person, who said he was affected by the strike himself, added: “This decision actively works against those you claim to support. This means you are either being willfully ignorant or you genuinely don’t care.”

The first job was already gone

Either way, the first professional consequence of this decision has already occurred for Barrymore. As The New York Times reportsshe was stripped of her presenting job at this year’s National Book Awards in November.

A statement from the organizers said: “The National Book Awards (…) serve to celebrate the power of literature and the incomparable influence of writers on our culture. In view of the announcement that ‘The Drew Barrymore Show’ continues production, the National Book Foundation has withdrawn its invitation to Ms. Barrymore to host the 74th edition of the National Book Awards.”

According to plan, the new episodes of The Drew Barrymore Show are scheduled to air from September 18th. However, it is at least conceivable that in the coming weeks some invited star guests will decide to cancel their participation. Because Drew “Everybody’s Darling” Barrymore, of all people, is getting very bad publicity these days.

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