Frozen yucca and more!  Cubana in Houston shows that her city has everything for Cubans

A Cuban in Houston He showed all those who say that there are no products for Cubans in their city that they are wrong.

In response to another Cuban, Ani Hernández shared a video going to buy Cuban products in the city of Texas, including many of those that I said they don’t have in Houston, such as La Clave brand coffee, mayonnaise, frozen yucca and many more…

“Here they say that in Houston there is nothing Cuban, and today I am going to show that there is,” says @anitta_liamjoi before starting her Cuban purchase.

“In Houston there is everything and more. It is no less true that in Miami there is sun and beach, but it is also true that life in the state of Texas is more economical”added the young woman, who moved from Florida to Texas, noting the contrast in prices between one state and another.

“I repeat: I speak from my experience, I love Miami in every way, but it is no less true that the economy has risen too high. I leave you here so that you can see that in Texas there is everything, as in all the places in the United States, even for Cubans,” he said at the bottom of the video.

In response to this video, many Cubans commented that there is indeed a large community of Cubans in Houston and that there is everything in the city for them, in addition to these products.

“There are people in Miami who the farthest they have gone is to Orlando, one day to the parks and they speak disparagingly of other cities and states”“In Houston there is everything Cuban. Food, restaurants, dance places, whatever you want”, “Those are the consequences of never having left Miami” or “There is everything here in Houston, not a few years ago, but we no longer have to envy Miami on that side,” they noted in the comments of Ani Hernández’s video.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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