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Fruit salad: the queen of summer to eat at any time

Those who know the most about nutrition assure that consuming fruit gives us more years of life. Also, when summer comes, the fruit salad It is an excellent food that refreshes and provides vitamins.

After the end of the year holidays, many advise dedicating space in our menu to the healthiest food and nothing better than incorporating fruit salad. Macedonia, moreover, It is one of the coolest options for hot days.

The mint leaves also make their contribution.

The fruit salad You can bring the ingredients that diners like the most and that are those that are in season and that are easily found at this time of year. Too, you can include those found in all seasons, such as the apple.

Among the ingredients needed to prepare a gourmet version of this summer dessert there are strawberries, watermelons, plums, blueberries, red grapes, blackberries, cherries, and orange juice. A special touch is to add two basil leaves per orange.

The orange juice helps to emulsify along with the sugar.

As a first step, all fruits must be well washed. Then, you will have to remove the seed from the watermelon and cut it into cubes the size of a bite.. In addition, the strawberry should be cut into slices and the plum in half to remove the pit and thus prepare it in cubes.

Regarding the grapes, they can be added whole if they are small and the large ones, in half. Blackberries and blueberries go whole. Once they are all ready, place two tablespoons of sugar. Later, add the orange juice with mixed basil. And let it cool.

Kiwi can also be added.

a foolproof trick

These days, one of the most required fruits for the fruit salad They are undoubtedly cherries, since it is their season. However, some discard it because it is difficult for them to remove the stone.

The aromatic plants help to give it more flavor.

There’s an easy secret to this: you need a straw or straw. Then, you will have to take a bottle that has a small spout and place the cherry on top of it. A straw is embedded in the center and pushed down.

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