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Full throttle: the Christmas celebration of Flor Peña and her family in Salta

Christmas is a date that many people decide to spend as a family. They get together to eat a roast or some other thematic food, such as vitel toné or pavita. This was the case for flower rockwho took advantage of the holidays to celebrate with her children and her husband in the house they have in Salta.

“Here is Juani, setting the table because he asked us to let him do that,” the media began to narrate while one of his children placed the plates and cutlery. In the mirror, she could be seen from between the houses, something that flower rock He pointed out wryly: “I haven’t changed yet.”

However, in the next story, this situation was changed, since the host of “LPA” She took the opportunity to show her red dress and a reversed Christmas carol in the background. The fashion of the children of flower rock it was easier. The oldest and the youngest wore a white shirt and jean pants, while Juan, the one in the middle, was dressed in a black jacket and a shirt of the same color. “And Rama is all full of charcoal making the barbecue,” said the actress with a laugh.

The actress recently married her husband Ramiro Ponce de León.

She also had a very funny exchange with Felipe, her youngest son, who had told her: “How beautiful you are, mom.” “You too, you are very colt”, he commented Flower to the little one He replied that she was “very prota”, which made her mother laugh.

Flor Peña’s goodbye to television

This 2022 was not very positive in terms of television for her. After having left Telefe and “Flor de Equipo” to be in charge of “LPA” on América TV, he could not captivate the public and achieved very low rating numbers, which made the cube channel decide to lift the cycle to replace it with one with María Belén Ludueña and Luis Ventura.

The date of the program that will replace it is January 2, Therefore, it is expected that the last broadcast of the protagonist of “Married with Children” will be on December 30, when she will say goodbye in style..

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