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gatha Ruiz de la Prada, on the Dancing with the Stars jury: It was quite hostile

gatha Ruiz de la Prada, on the Dancing with the Stars jury: It was quite hostile

The return of Dancing with the Stars has been the big bet of Telecinco to fight for prime time on Saturday. And the truth is that its premiere on January 13 has met expectations both in audience records and in the buzz that has been generated around the program on social networks due to its own name, that of Gatha Ruiz de la Pradaand its controversial expulsion from the format.


  • Elena Sánchez, interim president of the public entity, has vetoed the princess of the town of La 1 despite her hiring already being closed.

  • The format that pits couples made up of a celebrity and a professional dancer against each other was first announced by TVE, but the Fuencarral network went ahead with the broadcast.

The designer was the first to abandon ship: she narrowly lost in a disputed trial before Carlota Boza and he ran away without being able to say anything about it due to the demands that time requires on television. Many people wondered what was going through his mind at that moment. Especially after his obvious anger during the first broadcast and his farewell in the second.

It wasn’t a program for me.

As she herself confessed during the first program, His short experience there had robbed him of the hope of dancing again in his entire life. Furthermore, I felt that the judges had been particularly harsh on her, especially considering that I had not danced in my life. It was of no use that the public chanted his name and that his teammates helped him raise his arms. I have reached this point, sentence. And although she continued, in reality, his words became a concrete prediction about herself.

The microphones of Europa Press y social they have hunted her in the middle of the street and, taking advantage of the fact that he was not able to express his thoughts after the jury’s ruling, the journalists who supported them have asked him for his opinion. And it has been brilliant. It wasn’t a program for me.he said, ensuring that, now that he has abandoned it, he feels very happy and very liberated.


Antonio GutirrezEuropa Press

I know that he has repeated his criticism of those who expelled him. It was a quite hostile jury and I saw that from the first moment. But in the end, I’m very happy., he has summarized. His short and intense experience in the Telecinco format, synthesized in two sentences.

Despite the criticism that he has never stopped making of the format, he prefers to say goodbye with good words to it and to those who have accompanied him on the adventure. They’re adorable. I have made many friends and they danced better than me, he said, expressing that, in addition, he would participate again. With the hatchet buried, each one continues on his way.

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