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Gema Aldn confirms her breakup: It is not worth putting up with something that makes you suffer

Gema Aldn confirms her breakup: It is not worth putting up with something that makes you suffer

A breakup can occur at any time of the year, although it has more impact when it arrives within a few hours, practically of the end of the calendar. But even the tail everything is bull. Gema Aldnthe former contestant of Survivors and daughter of Ana María Aldn, has communicated their breakup through an Instagram live in which he has come to say that his love has been broken from using it so much.

His testimony began by denying a time that in the popular imagination does not usually report these sadnesses: I hope it never be Christmas. I never want it to be Christmas again. If it were up to me, my daughter would go to school tomorrow.. She then explained that the tears that made his distraught face shine were not going to cut her wings, not even if she had. given everything for Andrés, that man who is already part of his past.

Life takes many turns, you can’t lock yourself away and cry for a single person when you don’t know what may happen tomorrow. Although this hurts the most. You have to let time pass, he reflected, aware that the passage of hours sometimes serves as a band-aid. And, above all, that, sometimes, it is better to let go and let go: I’ve been trying to recover for two or three weeks. Now I have to let life take its course. It is not worth putting up with something that is making you suffer.

If he had caught me in the middle of the year, well look…

The tragic and beautiful nature of heartbreak has not prevented many from asking about the reason for the breakup. Many others pointed directly to the existence of third parties. And the truth is that, although he has not specified what has blown out the candle of the fire of their relationship, it does not seem that there has been anyone else: I don’t think they have cheated on me. I’m so egocentric that I think there’s no one better than me, so I’m not jealous.

In any case, it happened as quickly as a crush, like the inner lightning bolt that seemed to dominate him a few weeks ago when he described him as his present and his future: I am in love with our dreams, with having planned a life together, with finding everything in you just as you find everything in me.

The blow has been overwhelming because of how that has dissipated and, especially, because of a matter of time. If it had caught me in the middle of the year I would say well look, but the year is ending. And he closed, with emotion, his confession: It costs a lot… but hey, you have to think that not all men are the same. There are people who do value what you give them. But hey, feelings can change from one day to the next.. From using it so much.

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