Following that it is ormai a tradition, a few days after the debut of the update 3.6 of Genshin Impact, Hoyoverse has revealed to the fans the identity of the character who will join the roster with successive updates, which will make his debut after around six weeks .

As I have noted, it is not about a copy of characters, since in version 3.7 it will only use a new entry, the name of which will be Kiraradefine the ‘Gatta sulle grondaie’. La giovane donna dalle caratteristiche feline simili a quelle di Gorou-personaggio con cui she shares the origin of her, since she comes from Inazuma-ricopre il ruolo di fatorina di livello oro presso la Komaniya Express.

The official description of this character presents her as a ragazza incredibly agile and dall’animo buonounlike other inhabitants of Inazuma with origini youkai (ovvero with demonic blood nelle vene). Purtroppo I don’t know if it was a hero or less than 5 Stelle and, even more important thing, as if his weapon. Possiamo invece presumere che he appartenga all’elemento dendro per via della presence della relative icona verde sullo sfondo dell’immagine pubblicata sui social dagli sviluppator. Ad essere ignota is also the type of weapon Usata da Kirara, ma escludiamo utilizzi un claymore ed è più probabile, a giudicare dall’aspetto, si tratti di un guerrera che utilizza arco o lancia con uno stile di combattimento improntato sull’agilità.

In attesa di uno showcase delle abilità di Kirara, Hoyoverse has also confirmed che il cousin banner of version 3.6in uscita mercoledì mattina, proporrà Nilou and Nahida with the fanco and following personaggi 4 Stelle: layla, kuki shinobu and dori.


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