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Germany ticket or job ticket? This is how the transition works

With the Deutschlandticket, employees have the opportunity to use public transport even more cheaply. This is how the transition works.

The time has finally come: the Deutschlandticket will be available on May 1st. Sales will start at the beginning of April, provided the Federal Council approves the traffic light government’s draft law on March 31. However, this is considered very likely. Good news – especially for employees who regularly use the public transport go to work. Read about this: Bundestag decides to finance the Deutschlandticket

They are currently using one in many places in Germany Jobticket. This is a monthly or annual subscription for public transport, which the employer, usually at a discount, buys from the respective transport company and gives to the employees at a discount or as part of their wages. With the 49-euro ticket, job ticket users could soon travel even more cheaply – provided the employer cooperates.

Job ticket will be even cheaper in the future – if the employer goes along with it

In the future, employers will be able to provide their employees with the 49-euro ticket as a job ticket. If they grant a discount of at least 25 percent, the federal and state governments will add a further discount of five percent. In this way, employees could get the ticket for at least 30 percent less. The Germany ticket then only costs 34.30 euros.

But that also means: The employer must take action so that his employees benefit from the discounted Germany ticket. In addition to the price, employees also have the advantage that their job ticket enables them to use public transport nationwide. So who in the City lives, uses buses and trains every day, can use the ticket to go out into the country and get some fresh air. You might also be interested in: Citizens’ allowance: does the job center pay for the Germany ticket? (lro)

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