It’s boiling inside Farmen kendis during the day, and it’s going to be a more heated atmosphere.

This week it was the large farmer Ørnulf Høyer (66) who had to make the choice about who would become the first champion.

The choice he eventually landed on created strong reactions from the remaining ladies on the farm.

– How much man’s shit is circulating in your scolt? asks Marit Andreassen (56) when she was chosen as first champion.

– To grin to death

Ahead of the election, Høyer said that he experienced not communicating particularly well with the person who was to be elected.

When the name “Marit” came out of his mouth, she had a slight need to vent.

See how the election unfolded in the video at the top of the story.

FIRST CHAMPION: Marit Andreassen was chosen as first champion by large farmer, Ørnulf Høyer. Photo: Anton Soggiu

– That you can be such a “shit coward” to choose a girl, when there are only three girls left. It’s absolutely crazy, said the chosen first champion.

Today, Høyer says that he did not expect such a reaction.

– I was prepared for Marit to react, but not in such a way. She has an aggressive way of being, says Høyer to TV 2.

Right after the election, Andreassen made it clear that she did not want to help the big farmer get a knife.

– You scolded me the day before yesterday, because I don’t lick your back and don’t follow your pipe. It’s almost laughable, which is why I don’t bother getting you a knife. You don’t deserve that at all, says Andreassen right after the election.

Ørnulf Høyer responds to the accusations: – It is a complete disaster

Going on strike

The first champion election led to a strike on the part of the girls, as they no longer wanted to participate in the weekly assignment.

The girls packed up their things, went into the forest and left the remaining participants with the tasks on the farm.

– I remember thinking that it was perfectly fine if they wanted it, but I was also shaking my head a bit: “Why”?, says Høyer about the strike.

He believes that the choice was right, despite the strong reaction from the ladies. Høyer claims that several of the participants had had problems with the actor.

– Not just on my behalf, but on behalf of several people who had found it difficult to work with Marit. When I was a large farmer, several people asked me to talk to Marit about her being more positive, claims the entrepreneur.

TV 2 has contacted Marit Andreassen, who does not wish to comment on the matter.

– Followed my heart

Høyer made good contact with the majority of the boys on the farm.

He emphasized in particular that it was out of the question to choose Trond Moi (53) or Jan Tore Kjær (54). According to the big farmer, this was based on their hard work and integrity.

STRATEGIC: According to Ørnulf Høyer, it would have been more strategic to choose one of these boys as the first champion.  Photo: Anton Soggiu

STRATEGIC: According to Ørnulf Høyer, it would have been more strategic to choose one of these boys as the first champion. Photo: Anton Soggiu

Despite this, it was one of the participants who showed support in Andreassen’s reaction to being chosen as first champion. It was Moi.

– Marit’s reaction during the election is simply legendary. I think it was so wonderful that she said exactly what she felt and I laugh just thinking about it. She speaks straight from the heart and is a wonderful person, says the celebrity chef in the episode.

– From my strategic point of view, it was quite obvious that I should have taken a boy, because then I would have been on my way into the finals week, says Høyer about the first champion choice.

Nevertheless, he chose one of the three remaining ladies.

– I followed my heart. She had created a lot of bad vibes, and it wasn’t just me who thought that, he claims.

Marit thinks it is difficult at the Farmen kjendis farm

You can see Farmen kendis on Tuesdays at 21:40, and Wednesdays and Sundays at 20, and when you want on TV 2 Play.


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