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Gift Ideas: Christmas: These are the best last-minute gifts

Christmas is almost here and the last few shopping are being done. If you still need ideas for last-minute gifts, you’ll find them here.

Christmas is just around the corner – who hasn’t yet? gifts bought must hurry. But time is short and there is often a lack of inventiveness. You can’t go wrong with these last minute gifts.

Christmas Shopping: Last Minute Gift Ideas for Every Budget

Christmas is not primarily about presents. Still, many feel uncomfortable at the thought of giving their loved ones nothing put under the tree to be able to If you then receive gifts from all sides, the pressure to return this social gift is high.

However, there is not always enough time to plan an extraordinary gift that also fits into the budget. And in addition to your own children, you might also want to give your parents, siblings, nephews and nieces a little treat. are for that Last Minute Gifts suitable.

More about Christmas and gifts:

Last minute gift: A voucher is always a good idea

If the Time really is of the essence and the gift at least something personal than cash, a voucher is always a good idea. The following vouchers are ideal as last-minute gifts:

  • Shopping Voucher: Does your father want to buy a new winter jacket? Then a shopping voucher is the perfect idea. Or do you have a shopper in the family who can’t keep enough clothes, bags and shoes in her closet? Then a voucher is also ideal here.
  • Experience voucher: The choice is huge. From a wellness day to a skydive, you can give your loved ones an unforgettable day. If you want to make the voucher more personal, you can attend the event together with the recipient. In this way you not only give an experience, but also create shared memories.
  • Meal voucher: If you have some real “foodies” in the family, you can also give them a voucher for their favorite restaurant for Christmas. After all, it is not for nothing that they say “The way to the heart is through the stomach”.

Ideas for Christmas: Give away feel-good moments

Winter is cold, slippery and wet. A feel-good gift is a nice idea to give a little relaxation and comfort To give away:

  • scented candles: They not only radiate warmth, but also spread a pleasant scent in the room – perfect for the winter time.
  • Rug: A beautiful winter blanket should be on every couch in the cold season. Does anyone in your family not have one? Then you have the perfect last minute gift.
  • cozy socks: If you don’t want to give a blanket as a gift, you can also bring a smile to your family’s face with a pair of lined winter socks. There are winter socks for every taste. And what is more important than warm feet in winter?

Christmas gift ideas: Cookies and wine are always last minute

Eating and drinking are particularly important at Christmas. A Christmas without festive food and there are no good drinks. So why not give some away for free? The advantage: Grocery stores are usually still open on Christmas Eve.

  • Wine: A good wine ideally complements the taste of the Christmas goose with red cabbage and dumplings. A last minute gift idea that all adults around the Christmas table will love.
  • Liqueur: A fruit liqueur as an aperitif or a chocolate liqueur as a digestif – you can’t go wrong with a liqueur as a Christmas present. If you open it together, you will also have a good time together.
  • Cookie: Cookies are part of the Christmas season like the Christmas tree. If the budget is a little tighter this year, homemade cookies are a lovely gift idea. You can still bake the cookies on December 24th and simply pack them in a small bag or cookie jar.

Read related: Cookie Time – When stored properly, cookies stay fresh

  • Roasted Almonds: An absolute classic at Christmas time. If you want to make your loved ones happy, then give away homemade roasted almonds. Just like the cookies, you can simply wrap the almonds in a pretty bag with a bow or in a Christmas-themed tin and you’ve got yourself a last-minute gift.

Last minute gift idea: Feel free to be creative

If you something special want to give away, then be creative for Christmas:

  • A book: The perfect idea if you’re looking for a last minute Christmas gift, because you can never have enough good books. You can also personalize it by writing a dedication or even marking your favorite passages and adding notes.
  • Picture frame with photo: Photos are timeless Christmas gifts because they serve as a daily reminder of what a great time we had together. And beautiful memories are the most precious gifts in life. Photos can be printed out in the drugstore – there you can usually buy picture frames directly.
  • Self-made voucher: In principle, you can give away anything as a gift voucher. A home-cooked candlelit dinner or a Harry Potter film marathon complete with snacks, decorations and all that entails. Your creativity knows no limits.

Last-minute idea: this is how money becomes a Christmas present

If you don’t like any of the last-minute gift ideas, you can of course also give away money. Nicely packaged, cash can also be used as one small gift looks:

  • Money in a Christmas card: A lovingly written Christmas card is a nice gesture in itself, but you can of course add a little money to it. A perfect last minute gift that’s ready in two minutes.
  • Money in jar with candy: Another option is to fill a jar with sweets (e.g. chocolate candy) and hide a small bill in it. It only takes a few minutes and with a dark red bow the glass also looks Christmassy.

In search of that perfect Christmas present – whether last minute or weeks in advance – it doesn’t matter how expensive or how big it is. It is important that it comes from the heart.

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