Not everything is tension in the National Police. In the police stations of Carmen de la Legua (Callao) and Miraflores (Lima) Two singular moments were recorded that not only relaxed and brought joy to the law enforcement officers, but also to the two officers who became protagonists of ‘follies of love’, who were surprised in their police units by a flirtatious ‘little bear’ sent for their respective sentimental partners who, to the rhythm of sticky dances, gave them courage and encouragement to face the difficult moments that the country is going through.

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Both events became viral on social networks that on different platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Facebook had more than two million views and shares.

The first case was registered in the Carmen de la Legua police station, in Callaowhere he ensign PNP Flores He was alerted by his colleagues that they were looking for him outside the police headquarters. His surprise was great when he saw a nice ‘bear’ approaching dancing the catchy song ‘There are no two like you’, which his fiancee usually dedicate it.

Somewhat nervous, but smiling, the police force was encouraged to dance with the funny ‘bear’, a situation that was celebrated by his companions. Then he received a heart-shaped balloon, a gift and a huge scroll on which his girlfriend, too. petty officer of the PNPI greeted him for celebrating one more anniversary and giving him encouragement because he is being sent to the Puno region to face the protests that are taking place in that area of ​​the country.

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The ensign flowers very excited, he addressed a few words to his beloved: “Thank you very much, your surprise is very beautiful and we are going to take on a challenge together, it is not difficult or impossible, but thank you very much. I love you fat”.

Miraflores: Petty officer of the Miraflores police station received a surprise from his girlfriend for his birthday and gave her and expressed his desire to see him again, since he is under an immobility order, due to a wave of protests. (Tiktok video)


A similar situation lived Petty Officer PNP Illianwho while serving his service was surprised by the cheerful “bear” who arrived dancing to the song “When you think about going back” before the astonished gaze of his other companions and passers-by.

The surprise was prepared by his girlfriend on the occasion of his birthday and to tell him that I was looking forward to seeing him again and hugging him, since as many police officers are under immobility order, due to the protests that are registered in the country.

Very nervous and before the gaze of his companions, he dared to dance with the “little bear”, who gave him a heart-shaped balloon and a curious stuffed animal arrangement of a “little pig” dressed as a policeman surrounded by balloons; as well as a giant scroll in which his girlfriend expressed all her love and support.

“The truth is that I did not expect it. We are in a service, let’s say we can’t go home. And the truth is that I feel very happy thank you”were the words of the agent before the surprise of his sentimental partner.

Both surprises were in charge of a young entrepreneurial couple who created “Between Kisses” who posted his work on his social networks as TikTok @entre.besos, Instagram Entre.besos_gal and Facebook Entre besos.


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