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Gisele Oppermann: GNTM model Gisele Oppermann raves about her new boyfriend

The entertainment news in the GALA ticker: Gisele Oppermann raves about her new boyfriend +++ Florian David Fitz is annoying those around him +++ Barbara Schneberger explains her “break”.

Entertainment news 2023: All news and developments in the GALA ticker

29. September 2023

Gisele Oppermann: Your new boyfriend is nine years younger

Gisele Oppermann, 35, is on cloud nine. The former “Germany’s Next Top Model” participant is newly in love and is now raving about her new boyfriend. She actually had finished with the topic of love for this summer, but then an “unexpected encounter” occurred, she tells “Bild”. She lost her sunglasses at the festival of lights in Bad Harzburg at the end of August, but 26-year-old Wlady found them. “A strange, tall man picked her up very gallantly and asked why I needed sunglasses. The party was in the dark and I shouldn’t hide my pretty brown eyes,” she remembers the words of the stranger she met met again by chance at a birthday party just a week later. “I had almost forgotten about the guy again. But suddenly he was standing in front of me. We fell into each other’s arms, laughing. It was as if we had known each other forever.”

Although the 35-year-old has taken part in numerous reality TV formats in the past, Wlady did not know her before. “We then watched excerpts of me on YouTube together,” reveals Gisele. The new man at her side seems to make her happy. “There was an immediate feeling of connection between us,” said the former “Jungle Camp” resident. Even the nine-year age difference “doesn’t play a role” in their relationship.

Florian David Fitz: “Very tiring for everyone else!” This is how he annoys those around him

Florian David Fitz, 48, plays the father of an autistic child in his latest film “Wochenendrebellen”. Ten-year-old Jason is advised to switch to a special school, which his parents want to prevent. The bright boy has the idea of ​​becoming a football fan so that he can finally have a better say. To do this, however, he still has to have a favorite club. How do you find it? That’s right: Together with his father, Jason watches all 56 Bundesliga clubs at a home game. On the following weekend trips, father and son also get to know each other in a completely new way.

In an interview with “t-online”, Florian David Fitz was asked the obvious question of how much of a rebel there was still in him, to which he replied: “I’m damn well adjusted now.” As a child he had a hard time with it, but that changed over the years. “Today I’m not really rebellious anymore. But I have a very stupid spirit of contradiction within me. That’s very tiring for everyone else.” The screen star continued about his special character trait: “Well, for me it’s the least of my problems. But otherwise that applies to all areas: both private and professional. I’ve always been someone who questions a lot and that was the case as a child already like that.”

29. September 2023

Barbara Schneberger: Almost quietly and secretly! She explains her “break”

Barbara Schneberger, 49, is the all-purpose weapon when it comes to German television shows or award ceremonies. Regardless of whether it is the “German Film Prize”, “Bambi” or “Echo”, there is hardly an award that the quick-witted presenter has not yet awarded. No wonder: her humorous nature and cheeky sayings are well received by the audience. Because the woman with the eye-catching outfits and the quite loose mouth is almost always good for a laugh and sometimes makes fun of herself, how cute!

For a long time, Barbara Schneberger + Show was the package deal of the German television landscape. However, this has changed since 2023. Katrin Bauerfeind moderated the “German Radio Prize”, which was recently awarded in Hamburg, and the popular presenter will not be present at the “TV Prize” this week either. A conscious decision? Barbara Schneberger reported to “T-Online”: “At the end of 2022, I realized that I had moderated the German Radio Prize 12 times and the German Television Prize 6 times in a row. For me and perhaps for many others, that was reason enough to take a break.” It almost seems as if the presenter has almost quietly and secretly said goodbye to the big stage.

28. September 2023

Giovanni Zarrella: He threw a pair of underwear out the window and then…

Giovanni Zarrella, 45, was the heart of girls when he was Bro’Sis. The fact that the fans went to great lengths for their idol is shown by a story that Giulia Becker, 32, tells in the SWR3 podcast in conversation with Lena Meyer-Landrut, 32. The author shares a bizarre and funny story about when she was one of Giovanni Zarrella’s big fans and Lena Meyer-Landrut can’t believe what she’s hearing.

So it happened that Giovanni once checked into a hotel in Siegen with his colleagues from Bro’Sis, which was of course besieged by a horde of fans. Giulia Becker, who was eleven at the time, waited for her crush, who even came to the window. But there’s more: “And then he just threw down his underpants.” A stunned Lena listens to the presenter’s words. But it goes much further. Giulia was the lucky one and caught the pants. “30-40 young people then attacked me and tried to grab them all out of my hands.” And what did Giulia Becker do? “Like Robin Hood,” she cut up the underwear with scissors to share with other fans.

But anyone who thinks that this is the end of the story is wrong. What do you do with a piece of underwear like that? A very special place had to be found for this. “Then I put it in a little bag that you can close, a zip bag like that. I put that on a silver chain and I went to school with it.” Lena Meyer-Landrut couldn’t believe what she was hearing and the fans hardly got involved in the comments section either. “Forever the best story that just builds up and explodes into fireworks,” is probably how podcaster Laura Larsson, 34, describes it best.

27. September 2023

Maria Wedig is already celebrating her 15th wedding anniversary with her Sven

GZSZ actress Maria Wedig, 39, keeps her private life out of the public eye. Hardly anything is known about her two children; the actress does not show her offspring on social media. Photos of her husband Sven are also a real rarity. Now Maria is making an exception for an important reason. Because the 39-year-old and her sweetheart are already celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary.

“15 years ago today, a young and excited bride sat in her hotel suite and while everything swirled around her, she dreamed of what her married life would be like. It will be magical. Here’s to love,” writes Maria Wedig alongside a previously unseen photo of her Wedding.

26. September 2023

Helene Fischer: Her partner Thomas Seitel was booed

The fans of Helene Fischer, 39, didn’t like that at all! The singer is currently on a big tour and gave a concert in Switzerland on Saturday, September 23rd. But the visitors to Zurich weren’t quite as enthusiastic about Thomas Seitel, 38. What was happening there?

According to the Swiss newspaper “Blick”, the acrobat is said to despise the national dish, but from the front: A fan held a sign with the words “Fondue recipe in exchange for a photo with you!” high. A real treat for self-proclaimed fondue fan Helene Fischer. The singer immediately noticed the poster and used it to have a little chat on stage. In Swiss German she is said to have said several times “Fondue recipe against Fteli!”.

But a great fondue recipe won’t do her any good at home and won’t find a buyer because: Helene Fischer then said that her partner Thomas unfortunately wouldn’t appreciate the dish and explained to her fans: “My better half doesn’t like cheese.” Ouch! Many concertgoers took the saying as an opportunity to boo Thomas Seitel properly. What cheese!

But the complete professional Helene took the boos with humor and continued with her show as professionally as usual. The fans seemed to have quickly forgiven Thomas Seitel for his antipathy towards cheese, because when he came on stage shortly afterwards for the acrobatic number to the song “Hand in Hand”, the audience cheered.

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