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Gloria Trevi sues Sergio Andrade for sexual and physical abuse

Gloria Trevi sues Sergio Andrade for sexual and physical abuse

MIAMI.- The Mexican singer, actress, producer, composer and businesswoman Gloria Trevi sued Sergio Andrade, who was his manager and producer during his artistic career in the 1980s and 1990s, for alleged sexual and physical abuse.

According to information published in CNN In Spanishthe interpreter’s legal team presented said case on December 27 in a Los Angeles court as a countersuit, which responds to a judicial process regarding alleged abuse of minors filed on December 30, 2022 in the same court.

“The countersuit responds to a case of alleged abuse of minors in which both Trevi and Andrade have been sued in December 2022 by two women. Identified in court documents only by pseudonyms, the women allege that at the time they allegedly occurred “The events they reported, between 1990 and 1992, were 13 and 15 years old,” reports CNN En Espaol.

The sexual and physical abuse suffered by Gloria Trevi

“The countersuit filed by Trevi and to which CNN had access through the court, accuses Andrade, the two original plaintiffs, a third person identified as Jane Roe JP 1, the Mexican company Conexiones Americanas – which was the firm of Andrade’s artistic production and representation – and about 100 more people of sexual abuse and assault, as well as helping and facilitating the abuse against them,” the news network added.

In legal documents, Gloria Trevi alleged that Sergio Andrade controlled her career and money when she was a minor.

“She was forced by Andrade to perform extreme and exhausting exercises. She was starved at Andrade’s whim. She was brutally beaten, on some occasions until she was unconscious, she was sexually assaulted by Andrade, raped repeatedly, the 55-year-old Mexican declared in the countersuit, asserting that other girls and women suffered the same.

2022 lawsuit

The lawsuit of December 22, 2022, published in the magazine Rolling Stonestates that Gloria Trevi and her ex-partner Sergio Andrade were sued again for alleged sexual abuse.

“Gloria Trevi sex cult claims revived in new lawsuit, Two Jane Does sued Trevi and her former producer Sergio Andrade last week over sexual assault allegations dating back to the 1990s when the plaintiffs were minors,” the newspaper reported. specialized media on January 4.

“Nearly two decades after a judge abruptly acquitted pop diva Gloria Trevi of charges of luring minors into a secret sex ring in Mexico, the singer faces a new civil lawsuit in Los Angeles that revives claims that she got minor girls for his former producer Sergio Andrade,” he details Rolling Stone.

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