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Gmail and Docs: Google is testing artificial intelligence

The race to lead the development of new applications for artificial intelligence (AI) continues. Just at the time when OpenAI released its ChatGPT successor, quits also Google launched its own AI initiative. On Tuesday, the software giant presented a range of new services designed to help developers and companies in their work.

For example, Google is expanding its Office applications, including Google Mail, Docs and The table through a text-generating feature. “Just enter a topic you want to write about and a draft will be created for you,” Google explains of its application. “With the collaborative AI partner, you can refine texts, edit them and get further suggestions if necessary”.

The company is currently researching ways to integrate its AI tools into other applications, such as Google Meet or presentations.

Countering Microsoft’s AI push

Google is coming under increasing pressure from its competitors’ AI tools. For some time, for example, Microsoft on ChatGPT, the company added the hype AI to its search engine a few months ago Bing integrated. And also Meta is experimenting with AI-powered chat on WhatsApp and its Facebook messenger.

According to information from New York Times hat Google-Chef Sundar Pichai called several meetings due to the developments in December. Within the company, resources have been reallocated to work on the development of new products based on AI.

The Google Workspace AI tools presented on Tuesday are likely to be the fruits of these efforts. According to the company, they are currently one of “limited number from trusted testers”. It is not yet known when they will be made available to the public.

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