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“Go to work”: Shania Geiss shows herself in a skin-tight glamor look and collects Shitstorm

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The new season of “The Geissens” has again taken the millionaire family to many luxury locations. Some Instagram users react angrily to a Shania photo from Dubai. © Instagram/Shania Geiss

The new season of “The Geissens” has again taken the millionaire family to many luxury locations. Some Instagram users react angrily to a Shania photo from Dubai.

Dubai – The 21st season of “The Geissens – A Terribly Glamorous Family” has just started on RTL2. And this time, too, the viewers will accompany Carmen (57) and Robert Geiss (58) and the couple’s two daughters through their magnificent lives. To kick things off, the four traveled to London to see the sights and go shopping. The fact that Carmen and her daughters regularly post photos of their luxury adventures on their Instagram accounts is part of the fans.

However, a photo that Shania recently posted to her Instagram profile wasn’t well received by everyone who saw it. Actually, the photo only shows a teenager in a normal outfit. But anyone who knows about the incredible wealth of the Geissens is also aware that this first impression is deceptive. Thanks to the success of their parents, Shania (18) and Davina Geiss (19) are able to lead a life of wealth. And judging by the comments under Shania’s photo, that seems to annoy some people.

Fans annoyed by Shania Geiss’ jet set life: “It’s crazy how many hate comments end up here!”

“Go to work,” writes one commentator, while another lady is convinced that Shania Geiss must be a “totally spoiled brat”. “If life consists only of expensive clothes and well-laid hair,” etches a third party. However, many of Shania’s followers can only be surprised by such comments. “It’s crazy how many hate comments end up here. Are you all so dissatisfied with your own life?” asks a user. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter to Shania, because either way the comments will hardly change anything about the comfortable life of the Geissen daughters.

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