Government of Slovenia uses tactics of the Venezuelan regime against opponents

LIUBLIANA.- The government of Slovenia This Wednesday he ordered the raid of two opposition media outlets, Nova24 TV y Democracy, in a move that generates controversy just before the European elections. This action has been seen as an attempt to sabotage the imminent victory of the opposition party. SOSled by former Prime Minister Janez Janša.

“The behavior of the Slovenian government is similar to that of the Caribbean dictatorships, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela,” says the statement from the Centrist Democratic International, IDC – CDIhighlighting the methods used to suppress the opposition.

This comparison becomes even more relevant considering that one of the parties in the ruling coalition, Levica, belongs to the Progressive International and has close ties to the Venezuelan regime.

The raid has been described as illegal, recalling the measures taken 20 years ago by the late Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavezto close the main independent television station in Venezuela, Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV).

“If there is no strong international reaction, this method, identical to the mechanisms used by the Sao Paulo Forum to persecute its adversaries, will spread throughout Europe,” the statement warns.

The international community and defenders of press freedom are called to react to this measure, which threatens to establish a dangerous precedent in Europe. Meanwhile, the Slovenian people are expected to express their rejection of this totalitarian measure through voting.

Read the full statement below:

Government Slovenia.jfif

Source: EDITORIAL / Press Release

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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