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Grandparents who were dating in their teens met again and the marriage proposal is a gem

Grandparents who were dating in their teens met again and the marriage proposal is a gem

Don’t you already believe in love? Well, this story may restore your faith. This pair of grandparents met again and will get married… but the beauty of the matter is that they were dating in their teens and it was not until recently who met again to rekindle the romance.

Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Nancy went viral in recent days due to a TikTok video showing how grandpa waits for his beloved at the airport. And well, as if it were the most emotional romantic drama you can remember from the cinema, the man made her an unforgettable marriage proposal.

Illustrative image. Photo: TikTok Capture.

They revived the romance: these grandparents met again, they will marry and they went viral

The TikTok video was uploaded by a user identified as @jobuns_ with a description that says “POV: the doctor you work with rekindles with his high school sweetheart of 60 years and proposes to her.”.

as they read it, this sweet couple of grandparents met again and will marry after several years of knowing each other. But as happens on many occasions, their relationship was in their adolescent stage and after that, each one continued with their lives… At least until they saw each other again and realized that the love between them was still latent.

Thomas and Nancy, the couple who met again after their adolescent romance to get married. Photo: TikTok Capture.

If you think that was already the cutest part of this, it has to do with the marriage proposal that Mr. Thomas prepared for Mrs. Nancy. Grandpa waited for her at the airport and when they saw each other, he gave her a bouquet of flowers, a kiss, got on his knees and gave the most romantic speech that they will see in a long time.

“My dear Nancy, they have passed 60 years since we met, 56 years since we first dated, 10 years since I last saw you and 20 days since we rekindled… I’ve always had a crush on you, ever since you were a cheerleader. You bring a smile to my face and make my heart spinsaid Mr. Thomas to his now future wife.

These grandparents met again, they will get married and well, as we said, surely many they will believe again in those stories of love for eternity (ok, but that doesn’t mean you have to get back together with your ex, eh). Here the tender video and here, find more curious viral stories from the internet in our Meanwhile section.

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