Director Michael Grünwald and Prof. Rudolf Sams (HTL Dornbirn) were at “Vorarlberg LIVE” on Monday.

A few days ago, a plant for the production of “green hydrogen” went into operation in Dornbirn under the name “Green H2 Education”. According to the state of Vorarlberg, this “forward-looking project” would set “a clear signal for this new technology” in the form of a training and demonstration facility.

HTL Dornbirn Director Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Grünwald and head of department in the chemical engineers training branch Prof. DI Dr. Rudolf Sams on Monday in “Vorarlberg LIVE”.

Production of green hydrogen

A few days ago, a plant for the production of green hydrogen went into operation at the HTL Dornbirn. “It all works like that
Photovoltaics is converted into electrical energy, then this is produced with electrolysis in hydrogen and oxygen,” explains Prof. Rudolf Sams, head of the chemical engineers training branch in “Vorarlberg LIVE”. “The hydrogen is stored in advance and if you want to use it, you can convert it back into electrical energy with the fuel cell.”

The whole show

In this way, temporary fluctuations that occur with renewable energy sources can be compensated. “Our goal is not only to explain the technology in PowerPoint, but also to make it understandable and tangible for the students,” explains director Michael Grünwald. “We came up with the project because we were always active in the field of environmental technology.” The project came about with the help of the Chamber of Commerce.

The broadcast “Vorarlberg LIVE” is a cooperation between VOL.AT,, Ländle TV and VOL.AT TV and is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 5 p.m. There’s more here.


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