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Guests and topic on February 22nd – Who is with Markus Lanz tonight?

Markus Lanz invites experts three times a week to discuss explosive social issues. The talk is an absolute ratings guarantee and has been since 2008.

Running today Markus Lanz at 00:00 (actually on February 23) on TV on ZDF. After the broadcast on TV, the episode will be streamed from 1:00 a.m. in the ZDF media library.

Read here what the episode is about today and which guests are expected.

Guests and topic at Markus Lanz today

Tonight, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) is Markus Lanz’s only guest.

The politician expresses his views on German defense policy. The topic is military support for Ukraine, the defense budget and the expansion of Germany’s defense capability.

These are Markus Lanz’s broadcast dates

Today Markus Lanz runs from 00:00 to 00:45. The next talk is tomorrow, Thursday at 11:15 p.m.

Anyone who misses the program can watch all episodes free of charge after the broadcast from around 1 a.m. in the ZDF media library in the stream.

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