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Guillermo del Toro spoke about artificial intelligence (and his biggest fear with this technology)

Guillermo del Toro spoke about artificial intelligence (and his biggest fear with this technology)

The use of artificial intelligence in the film industry is a topic that has given rise to talk in recent weeks, because even the unions of scriptwriters and actors in Hollywood showed their fear of this technology in their jobs. However, Guillermo del Toro spoke about AI and although he said that he is not afraid of it, there is something that worries him a lot of this new trend.

Several important directors –such as Christopher Nolan– have warned the world of artificial intelligence and its practice both in cinema and in our lives. And although it has become very clear that the vast majority do not want it in the seventh art, Guillermo del Toro believes that the greatest fear with this tool is the use that humanity is giving it.

Guillermo del Toro after winning the Oscar for best animated film for ‘Pinocchio’/ Photo: Getty Images

Guillermo del Toro spoke about artificial intelligence in the cinema (and his biggest fear)

In accordance with IndieWirerecently Guillermo del Toro participated in a discussion with curator Amy Dotson at the Portland Museum of Art in Oregonduring which the brain one of his best films: The Pan’s Labyrinth. And of course that during the talk the blessed artificial intelligence appeared, And to the surprise of many, the filmmaker from Guadalajara has a vision that is very different from the others in Hollywood.

“I remain enthusiastic but skeptical. We do great things and a lot of people are great.” said Guillermo del Toro about artificial intelligence and the faith he has in the next generation of creatives in film. After admitting that we are a horrible race, The Mexican director went on to explain that he finds inspiration in “people who are not afraid”, rather than those who focus on how the world is “terrible” and afraid of AI..

Guillermo del Toro is not afraid of artificial intelligence/Photo: Getty Images

To close with this topic, Guillermo del Toro declared that all intelligence that exists or is known to date is artificial.. However, his biggest fear with this technology is that it somehow exposes the natural stupidity of human beings. Although yes, he mentioned once again that has hope in creative people who seek to fulfill their dreams.

“I am not afraid of artificial intelligence, I am afraid of natural stupidity. Any intelligence in this world is artificial. When I look at the people who come into the art scene and how they are despite all the difficulties and all the things that weigh against them, they love art, and that’s what makes my spirit sing.

It is true that artificial intelligence can be a useful tool if we control how we use it, but As Guillermo del Toro rightly points out, there is nothing to replace human creativity (and that shows in Pinocchio, where the human touch is important in the construction of this kind of film). What do you think? Do you agree with the Mexican filmmaker?

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