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Gus tries to save his friends in the first trailer for the second season of ‘Sweet Tooth’

For entertainment we do not stop, because this year very good series have already arrived on the most important streaming platforms. Of course, Netflix is ​​not far behind, since it arrived with great releases and important releases will be released in the coming months. But now, They just released the first trailer for the second season of Sweet Tooth.

It was in 2021 when the streaming giant released the first part of this story based on the comic by Jeff Lemire. Since its premiere, Sweet Tooth It became one of the most viewed series in the Netflix catalog that year.Well, curiously, it touched on the subject of a pandemic (something the world was facing) in a cute and endearing way.

Netflix finally released the first trailer for the second season of ‘Sweet Tooth’

Given the success of the series, Netflix confirmed that they were already working on the next part. A few days ago the first images were released, which raised our expectations, but after a long wait, finally released the first trailer for the second season of Sweet Tooth and we are not prepared for what is coming.

As you will remember, last season of Sweet Tooth ended with the terrible General Abbot trapping with the Last Men to Gus and his hybrid friends (crosses between animals and humans), with the idea of ​​experimenting with them and seek a cure for the pandemic that nearly wiped out the entire world.

The characters of Gus and Dr. Aditya Singh in the second season of ‘Sweet Tooth’/Photo: Netflix

Although yes, Gus is not going to stay with his arms crossed, because he will try to get them all out. That is why he must gather new strength to fulfill his mission, although on the way, the protagonist of Sweet Tooth discover the origin of the Great Collapsethe moment in which the pandemic attacked humanity.

Mark the date on your release calendar, because the second season of Sweet Tooth will be available on April 27, 2023 in the Netflix catalog. But while we wait for the day to see this series complete, Here is the first trailer:

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