Despite the latest statements made by Phil Spencer, this month of January 2023 will remain difficult to forget in the history of 343 Industries following the announcement of more than 60 layoffs several days ago. A turning point for the studio responsible for the Halo saga, which also saw another of its figures leave recently.

Kiki Wolfkill left 343 Industries for another role at Microsoft

Indeed, the transmedia manager of 343 Industries since 2014 had initially joined the studio in 2008 as an executive producer on the Halo 4 project. She had joined Microsoft in 1998 as artistic director. Following recent redesigns at Microsoft, Wolfkill stated on LinkedIn that she was leaving 343 Industries this month and had been responsible for Xbox’s intellectual property and entertainment expansion for 3 months.

A discreet job transition, not very far from 343 Industries, but which nevertheless testifies to the slump existing internally in the Microsoft group. Kiki Wolfkill was a figure of transmedia projects concerning the Halo license with in particular the TV series released last year in the line of fire.

The departure of Kiki Wolfkill follows those of veteran Joseph Staten who would have joined Xbox Game Studios Publishing or even that of Bonnie Ross who led the studio for 15 years. It is therefore another page that is turned in a very short time for 343 Industries and this carnage will surely not leave the studio unscathed.


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