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“Have no business in my life”: Is Iris Klein firing back at her son here?

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Iris Klein celebrates with her family – but one is missing. © Instagram/Iris Klein

Reality TV star Iris Klein had to put up with serious allegations from her son Tobias Katzenberger. Is She Shooting Back With This Instagram Post?

Iris Klein (55) is known to be a real family man. On Instagram she shows herself again and again with her two daughters Jenny Frankhauser (30) and Daniela Katzenberger (36). Even if the two half-sisters are sometimes at odds: Mama Iris does not let any of her daughters down and often plays the role of mediator. The relationship between the reality TV actress and her son Tobias Katzenberger (37) looks very different. Although not much is known about Iris’ eldest child due to his conscious avoidance of the limelight, the mother-son relationship seems to be lacking.

Tobias recently made serious accusations against his mother on Instagram: She is said to have deliberately not invited him to the family Christmas party. “Mom, I am your flesh and blood, I am your son. I’m not dirt I didn’t even get an invite,” he lamented in a video. Iris, in turn, defended himself a short time later against the accusations and explained that Tobias could celebrate with his family at any time: “I would have loved to have had my son with us, because he also knows that he is always welcome. We all love to pick him up.”

Iris Klein doesn’t want anything to do with “bad people”.

Now the mother of three seems to clarify her point of view again. In her Instagram story she shared a meaningful quote. It says: “Psychology says that not everyone deserves access to your life, it’s perfectly okay to create boundaries to protect your inner peace. I should remember that for 2023.”

Iris wrote about these clear words: “That’s how it is… Bad people have no place in my life.” Does the Mallorca emigrant mean her own son? She may also relate these lines to her daughter-in-law Silke Katzenberger. Iris has been at war with her for a long time. A few months ago, Silke even obtained a court order against the ex-jungle camper. Before that, Iris had insulted her daughter-in-law online for making fun of her unborn grandson’s name.

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